TForce | Uptick in freight

You can be overflowing in freight but not matters a tinkers damn if none of the Management is willing to pay the necessary man hours to get the trucks loaded and rolling. Or empty and reloaded etc.

I remember one break bulk in baltimore, a little transfer dock. 10 trailers with space in the middle to pile the freight. If it reached the beams in the roof above then we are busy. What we dont get today we get tomorrow.


Management only allowed a certain amount of money to pay just a few people a fixed number of clock hours. Once thats used up for the work week, we are told go home. Come back monday morning.

The ::shit:: will just sit there in all weather until monday.
The interstate is not worth the trouble these days. The companies and their nanny trucks casterated down to 59, 62 and so on is a obstruction to traffic that needs to roll at 75 legal speed where I live. Its just not worth the trouble.

Our State did raise the speeds from 55 to 65 on two lane state roads some years back, you could make some time with them. Just mind the curves. Thats where the trouble begins if there was anything wrong mechanically with the vehicle or impairment in driving.
We are slow in my area as well. Management asking drivers if they want to volunteer off so our bottom guy’s can work and not starve out.
Our end of the months have been on the light slide as well.
Excess customer inventories, rate increases, competition targeting us has something to do with our sluggishness.
Trucking is suppose to be agile.

If you aint got loads to put on a trailer and go from this spot to that spot as usual... drive the truck somewhere else and haul their freight.

High dollar pharmacy comes to mind.
What cracks me up is this.

Customer goes to a company cross dock office and says where is my package?


However a Dispatcher at the crack of dawn 6 am gets a printout by computer, satellite etc of ALL trucks more than 1 minute late to scheduled deliveries. For most of those on that list its their last day of work.

Such precisions. **** on the freight. Fire the drivers for slacking.