Holland | USF Holland Rockford, IL


TB Lurker
Anybody know if the Rockford, IL branch is due for layoffs or closure? The local press was trying to contact employees and we're all a little scared for our jobs here....
Terminal ain't closing but a few linehaul may be replace with a few utility drivers up north just like the south did previously. Just think "a utility driver coming to a terminal near you soon".
With all due respect LTLSALES, if you work there in Rockford, why would you be asking people at other terminals about your job? Also, why would the press be trying to contact employees of a trucking company?

Nice try at stirring things up. Drive thru please.

With all due respect LTLSALES, if you work there in Rockford, why would you be asking people at other terminals about your job? Also, why would the press be trying to contact employees of a trucking company?

Nice try at stirring things up. Drive thru please.

Yeah, and don't look back
Anybody know if the Rockford, IL branch is due for layoffs or closure? The local press was trying to contact employees and we're all a little scared for our jobs here....

Yes, I know the answer to your question LTL. I was called over the weekend about this very thing. There were a few line-haul cutbacks system wide but they are only because of the UE jobs. There is no closure of any terminals at Holland forecast for the future. I see that you're a non-union employee and that you are afraid for your job? Try going to the better side of the coin, GO UNION!

Enough said on this point LTL, take the other members advice and please don't start rumors without having your facts straight. I take your post as a question and now you have your answer.