SAIA | vacation

The writing is on the wall if some drivers seem to be reporting layoffs already, just think how many more there are and others dont even post on here. The company likes to do things and to keep employess in the dark
Not a rumor anymore. O/B supervisor in GVL is gone. Looks like they are going that route this quarter.

I wonder if it would help to get rid of some of those with salaries in the high six figures. Imagine daddy rick workin the outbound dock in ATL to fill in for some poor sap who got laid off.
Conway recently did this as well. It is a "good" way to free up cash and make the balance sheet look better. It screws the people with more vacation harder then the new guys, but usually the company does not take that into consideration. IF it is the same thing basically you stop accruing vacation when the old policy stops and then lose whatever time is in between. When the new program starts again, so does your accrual of vacation.
I wonder if it would help to get rid of some of those with salaries in the high six figures. Imagine daddy rick workin the outbound dock in ATL to fill in for some poor sap who got laid off.

I've met Rick. Bet he'd hang tougher out there then one of us would in a board meeting with investors.

I don't like the screwing we're getting, but if it keeps the doors open til the economy turns around then maybe we won't have to look for non existent jobs. We'll see if they are smart enough to recoup us for some of this then or what company will put up the money and bennies to get/keep good drivers.
i see alot of people shooting holes in the plans that are being put in place Saia will stay open but i do not see anyone offering up any solutions!!!! yeah it sucks loosing money and vacation not to mention 401k beniftis but even worse is losing people. i seen 1 guy on here who wanted to just screw the part timers!! great morals just because a person is part time does not make then any less of an employee. hey it sucks every where so we all need to suck it up and try to do our part. i know only a small percentage of people actually care about the company they work for but if that small percentage will act they will have a large impact. as for all you that choose to come on here and simply wine and complain without offering any ideas to help might i suggest going to work for the competitors, obvviosuly they are way better in your mind so go there and be happy!!!
there are solutions aplenty but none of which the company will go for lol. I may have been the guy to suggest the part timers but where I am at they work for the competition which is against the company's code of ethics and it would seem with such a competitive environment they shouldnt even be here. The good news is thanks to our giving up our EARNED vacation the company showed making a small profit last quarter. Maybe this will keep us from another pay cut ( I doubt it) but hopefully sales will get theirs along with the missing 5 percent they should have got last time since I havent seen any new accounts. Just wondering what I will have to give up next quarter. :ranting2:
i agree gameboy if the salesmen (and women) have to give up the profit to make a sale then they should take a pay cut with us. the bs they gave us about not wanting to loose the sales staff is just that, if they can't sell the company then hit the road!