Veterans Day


TB Veteran
I always like to remember our service men and women throughout the year, and on their special day I hope they realize what they fought, sacrificed and died for was and still is a great country.
I appreciate the opportunity they gave each and every one of us the ability to live free from tyrannical rule.
I wish we took better care of the gift they gave us by fighting for this country, I hope we, as Americans,start protecting that gift of a free country as our honorable service men and women have always done.

So if you're not a Veteran, thank one, buy him coffee, pick up her tab or look one in the eye today and thank them with all your heart.

If you are a Veteran, thank you, thank you so much, from the bottom of mine.
Happy Veterans day!

and don't forget for those Vets receiving a benefit check the Chained CPI they are talking about putting on Social Security checks will also apply to Veterans benefits.
Some of you will get hurt twice by this.
and don't forget for those Vets receiving a benefit check the Chained CPI they are talking about putting on Social Security checks will also apply to Veterans benefits.
Some of you will get hurt twice by this.
