Yellow | what about numbers?

i dont think the numbers changed at all .
seems to me only thing that changed was the cut off on of when people were layed off if they can bid .
and the language about training for a cdl . b4 it was if you could not get your cdl in 60 days you were considered as resigning now it is you just go back to where you were b4 you tried for the cdl . i know i know this is the trucker board . but absolutly nothing was done to protect the life long dock workers . out the door we go slowly but surely how sad !!!
From what I've seen none of the total numbers changed in either COO. The bid process and who gets to bid the UE drivers first, did. Loosing terminals that are gaining UE drivers will have first crack at them.

All employees will be given a chance to bid out by seniority except for new hires on or after April 1,2008.

I found it interesting that if you move as a dock worker to a terminal that requires at CDL you will be trained to get it. If you don't hold a CDL and the proper endorsements at the time of the phone bid you can't bid on the UE. DS.