XPO | Xpo Union Thread.

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Oh and one last thing. I know many will hate me for saying this, but. Having kids is a life choice not a requirement. So kid expenses wont fly with me and yes I have one and been living on there own since 19. Not like some at my barn making 55k+ a year and living with mommy and daddy
What politicians support labor and what have they done recently to show support besides talk?
More people are concerned about abortions and being able to kill someone with a gun then they are workers rights. Crazy ::shit:: but it's the truth. Politics have you right where they want you and big business loves it.
This is the party that said years ago that Venezuela govt should be the model for the world. What shapes isthis oil rich country in now. This is the same party that runs Chicago, Baltimore, and San Francisco and many other citys and states that either have high crime or very high taxes
Don’t forget rampant corruption. Sounds like another organization I’m familiar with.
More people are concerned about abortions and being able to kill someone with a gun then they are workers rights. Crazy :::shit::: but it's the truth. Politics have you right where they want you and big business loves it.
Like I said, they’re not doing a damn thing to help us.
Demanding a fair share of generated profits is entirely congruent with a capitalist, heierarchal society/workplace. What things 'sound like' really isn't relevant.
Demanding a fair share is one thing. Saying another person has no right to make more is socialism. What’s said is relevant.
Well we see you did not understand Dave's quote. What you fail to see is my wife and I for years lived like no one else. For years we didn't have cable tv and only dial up internet. We haven't had a car loan in the last 12yrs. You have a loan which you pay $4320 per year and over 4 years you pay $17280. So for 4 years you paid interest to a bank were in my case a bank paid me interest. I finally got cable/internet from Comcast only 8years ago. So for years I been making money on what you spend just to watch TV.
Now I get to live like no one else. I pay cash and when you pay cash you have more buying power. I have cash in the bank which means I have a higher deductible on our auto/home insurance. You pay more in one month for 2 car then I do for 6 months for my Truck and SUV and yes it is full coverage on both.
We have run a budget for years, got out of debt and stayed out. Doing that has given us the free to do thing other put on as credit card. I budget $5400 a month for ALL our expenses including most of the item you put down as not included. For those so call pop up expenses we have a nice 6 figure saving account for those.
This is why a union strike would not last that long because people do plan and budget there lives. How many of you on this board could keep you save standard of living for 6 month if both you and you wife lost your job? And you wonder why strikes last about 2 weeks
You sound just like an ex smoker, it worked for so it must be good for everybody, you try to tell somebody how to run their life adds nothing to the debate.
Well we see you did not understand Dave's quote. What you fail to see is my wife and I for years lived like no one else. For years we didn't have cable tv and only dial up internet. We haven't had a car loan in the last 12yrs. You have a loan which you pay $4320 per year and over 4 years you pay $17280. So for 4 years you paid interest to a bank were in my case a bank paid me interest. I finally got cable/internet from Comcast only 8years ago. So for years I been making money on what you spend just to watch TV.
Now I get to live like no one else. I pay cash and when you pay cash you have more buying power. I have cash in the bank which means I have a higher deductible on our auto/home insurance. You pay more in one month for 2 car then I do for 6 months for my Truck and SUV and yes it is full coverage on both.
We have run a budget for years, got out of debt and stayed out. Doing that has given us the free to do thing other put on as credit card. I budget $5400 a month for ALL our expenses including most of the item you put down as not included. For those so call pop up expenses we have a nice 6 figure saving account for those.
This is why a union strike would not last that long because people do plan and budget there lives. How many of you on this board could keep you save standard of living for 6 month if both you and you wife lost your job? And you wonder why strikes last about 2 weeks

Well we see you did not understand Dave's quote. What you fail to see is my wife and I for years lived like no one else. For years we didn't have cable tv and only dial up internet. We haven't had a car loan in the last 12yrs. You have a loan which you pay $4320 per year and over 4 years you pay $17280. So for 4 years you paid interest to a bank were in my case a bank paid me interest. I finally got cable/internet from Comcast only 8years ago. So for years I been making money on what you spend just to watch TV.
Now I get to live like no one else. I pay cash and when you pay cash you have more buying power. I have cash in the bank which means I have a higher deductible on our auto/home insurance. You pay more in one month for 2 car then I do for 6 months for my Truck and SUV and yes it is full coverage on both.
We have run a budget for years, got out of debt and stayed out. Doing that has given us the free to do thing other put on as credit card. I budget $5400 a month for ALL our expenses including most of the item you put down as not included. For those so call pop up expenses we have a nice 6 figure saving account for those.
This is why a union strike would not last that long because people do plan and budget there lives. How many of you on this board could keep you save standard of living for 6 month if both you and you wife lost your job? And you wonder why strikes last about 2 weeks

I understood Dave's quote perfectly. I chose to live a life and not just exist. I chose to do more than work and sleep. You're asking me to believe that you pay 450.00 a year for 2 vehicles with full coverage? Where do you live? Dial up internet? Really? Respectfully, my friend, you're part of the problem. You've swallowed the hook so far down your throat, that they're not even bothering to reel you in. They're just going to let you flounder in the water until you die. Save and sacrifice until you have enough to enjoy the rest of your life. In the meantime, a good part of your life has passed you by.

We run a budget also. We are debt free excluding the car payment. I also have a six figure savings account. They have convinced you that you're only worth what they are willing to pay you and you and you willfully ignore the amount of revenue that you generate for them. Most of the guys I work with try to plan and budget their lives. There's just not enough income to keep pace with the rising costs of living. Why? Because the company wants to keep it ALL, or at least as much as they can until we say enough. I admire your resolve but you're selling your self short. After working hard 50 to 60 hours a week, we are entitled to a better quality of life.
This is the party that said years ago that Venezuela govt should be the model for the world. What shapes isthis oil rich country in now. This is the same party that runs Chicago, Baltimore, and San Francisco and many other citys and states that either have high crime or very high taxes

Google the 10 poorest states in this country and you will find every one controlled by Republicans. These are the states that suck up the tax dollars you and I pay.
but we were told that Obozocare was going to save all of us money on insurance and low healthcare cost. We see how that worked

Had not the Republicans sabotaged the ACA, it would have worked out very well. They allowed states to opt out of Medicaid programs, they eliminated the individual mandate and they eliminate the risk corridors that caused insurance companies to raise their rates once again. You think the ACA is bad? Just wait until you see the new rates under Trump Care.
More people are concerned about abortions and being able to kill someone with a gun then they are workers rights. Crazy :::shit::: but it's the truth. Politics have you right where they want you and big business loves it.
Are we jealous. You had every right to do the same thing he has done but you choice your own path stop blaming your or other financial short coming on other people success

There is no need for you to put words in my mouth. I have enough of my own thank you. I am neither jealous nor do I have any financial shortcomings. In fact, I am overjoyed at his success. And for the last damn time, I don't begrudge him one cent of the money he's earned. I don't disparage him for the fact that he used his head to earn the money instead of his back. I don't care if the union skims 10% off the top. All I care about is that WE, as a collective entity, receive what we are entitled to receive through our efforts and hard work. If unionization is the means to that end...then so be it. Your spartan life has worked well for you and I truly congratulate you on your success. That type of deprivation doesn't fly with me. I need occasional reminders that my hard work will amount to something in addition to a secure retirement. Respectfully, I am not knocking your choices. I just feel we are worth much more than that.
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