ODFL | Yep, Driver Appreciation

Ruffian 72

TB Regular

No posting of event. Seen the piles of goodies that were going to be cooked up and served, yet not scheduled for those on Line Haul, not even a cold braut or burger left. Well guess the t-shirt will be nice. Some leftover cookies and cake. Hope yours goes better.
Hahaha, that's the norm. Posters have been up for 2 weeks, line dispatch called me last night on my way in, reminding me not to forget my tee shirt. As far as the meal, I get one of the girls in the office to make me a plate before going home. Although, I was pleasantly surprised the last 2 barbecues, they were still cooking when I arrived in the yard. Anyway, have a great day.
Actually surprised and appreciate when effort is taken to include. Just norm last few years, except for last year (surprised). Made sure everyone got some, either coming or going. Did like that about running wild. Some terms. actually wouldn't dispatch unless you took time to get chow. Actually call to remind, or how you liked your steak, or hey, get some before next leg.