Yet another LAST thread

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Had a very smelly nose
Whenever he was asked about LAST
He would shrug and say "Who knows"???

Then one foggy First Eve......
Big Dave came to say........
"Kabayo, with your nose so brown.....,
Won't you guide my Studebaker to First tonight?"
Then how Flounder and Silly Goose loved him......
As they shouted out with ESP.......
"Kabayo, the brown-Nosing Caballo......
You and Big Dave will go down in Firstory!".....

Yeah....That's why I'm LAST!.....
I'm LOST!.....

Sorry to hear that......Here is Big Dave and ESP's number.... 1-800 we are FIRST .......... Call them, they can help you...... They have a proven far they've helped a Horse....a dog and a Silly Goose........ and some "guy" named Ferdinand213.......and he hasn't been seen or heard from since....Well 3 out 4 isn't to bad........ can't win them all...........

No need to thank me......... That's why I'm LAST
Did Pilot "dust" ESP???
Where is everybody's favorite Buckeye Firster??
He might be on a runawaytrain....or..

Maybe he is really "Santa Clause" and he's very busy right now trying to suff a gazillion billion presents in the back seat of his Ford Festiva.... Quick send Kabayo to the North Ohio pole to help..

I'll stay here in LAST just in case he attempts to show up here.....
Santa said I'm gonna be the LAST delivery in FIRST.

It's faster if you just go to the first pole and pick up your lumps of coal in person..... Keeps the flying reindeer poop off your roof....

Santa doesn't stop in least I've never seen him here....
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