FedEx Freight | You have got to be kidding me!!!

Probably too many drivers not enough work, thin the herd a little more,then be short of drivers when its busy again. More dock time for all !!
I do not want to stay here, tired of not knowing whether or not I am gonna have a job. I signed the paper, turned it in today. I am the only displaced employee at my center. I thought a senior employee could not take the severence to make room for a bottom guy, I may be wrong, but seems as though I read that in the severence paperwork. Besides all of this, If I pass up the severence now and stay, I would probably get my throat cut in March or April if they do another layoff.
Don't believe anything anybody tells you. Like one of the girls in Harrison said this a new thing they are going through things will change daily. Ask some of the guys who have been knocked down 10-20 spots on boards they are transferring to.