TForce | you must fill out the United Way form

Thanks for your thoughts,but we are all guests on this trucking message board,and they have rules we have to go along with to post our opinions here.
Even though I wasn't really aware of my out spoken opinion,I was breaking a rule.
So thats that case closed I really enjoy coming here,so I will be very careful from here on to watch that I'm not offending anyother truckingboard member,just because I may feel a little stronger,on any given topic then everyone else.
My bad sorry about that!
APO, you were only stating what you believe to be a sin. If we do no judging, then everything will be ok. I think some people need desensitivity training.

This is in no way meant as a shot at the mods. I understand the need for rules. I also know I should quit typing after being up for about 30 hours. Have a great weekend.