Yellow | YRC’s Welch: 6 tips on leadership

Wow telling people where to park! We are in trouble! We will never make let! You use this urinal, because I use it!

Did you really understand the article? He got rid of the reserved executive parking spots and told employees to use them - i.e., to park anywhere they wanted, there were no more reserved slots for execs.
I understand the concept Welch is trying to use. Makes sence in a way, (The parking, responding to Emails etc)
I would have had a little more faith in His system if Person would have kept his big mouth shut about the 15% giveback! I don't give a damn where you park, I was told the 15% was a temp thing. Now, Low & behold it's not!
As I said I don't care where anybody parks after that statement!
Money first! Perks second! Give me my 15% back and I'll park across the street!