Yellow | YRC Worldwide's Safer Credit Risk Has Interesting Implications For Equity Investors


TB Legend

Management is compensated to improve all three value drivers: top-line growth, margins, and asset utilization. Additionally, management is not well compensated in a change in control, implying limited event risk for credit holders. However, because of the elevated market pricing of YRCW's credit risk, any potential acquirer would likely boast a safer market pricing of credit risk. Thus, an acquisition may actually be a positive for creditors.

Don't worry, be happy!
Yeah the lenders call the shots.
In reality if we were to strike we would be striking on the lenders not the company.The lenders would be the ones to approve the contrac.
Note the emphasis on the cds scores.
Credit default swaps are what about put us all out of jobs .Everyone needs to know just how close we came and how easy it would be to happen again
The Chart that shows the 'Debt Maturities " are high in 2019 !!! and yeah agree "SHUT THE DOORS" stop making Jamie a millionaire !!!:cuss:
I hear Deutsche Post is interested in buying the Ridge Sox. I hear they will rename the ball park, U.S.F DHL Yellow Frog UPS
Cellular Field.
And repaint the whole place yellow, and brown, with orange hand rails??
I never saw the magazine mud, a little before my time.
All kidding aside Mud, I do hope you or anyone else that is retired doesn't lose their entire
pension due to the doors closing at YRCW.
95% of my pension is payed by Western Teamsters who don't even take pension contributions from YRCW since around 2009.
It would be interesting to see what would happen to my pension if YRCW should shut down.
If you have the issue that features Albuquerque, I'm the one that looks like Charles Manson. Good thing my hands don't show, I was flipping off the dock foreman as he was taking our picture.
If you looked like that back in your day, I bet your "back in my day" stories are a hoot!