Yellow | YRC's redheaded stepchild DALLAS TX 511

I consider "knee jerk" a spontaneous, spur of the moment phrase.
The majority of MY strategy is almost always well thought out. Perhaps, months in advance.

Regardless, if a job assignment is accomplished to the "best of my ability", what type of comment do you think I get in return?
Only a comparison how much better so-and-so can do the job.
They all assume productivity between a 22 year old vs a 60 year old should be the same.

Also, remember the title of this thread.
It's about war between management and labor.

In my opinion, if YRCF is to become a powerhouse carrier again, Rodgers best resolve the conflict at 511, declare PEACE, and run the company efficiently, or we are all doomed.

I will not vote yes for any concessions in 2015!
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I will vote NO 2. There was no reason to bring back all those upper management people. Pay that Harry guy 5 million, which he is probably giving some to Jimmy. Start saving your money brothers and sisters.
That's the beauty of the Union @ Choice to vote however U so choose. But an obligation is to accept and support the majority vote of the Teamsters rank and file as a whole.
Now when I do my job : I don't look for even though it would be nice @ pat on the back good job. Neither do I run tell supervisor exceptional job for getting that empty up. I have been in this long enough to know what's to be expected and who to expect it from. I prefer not to waste my time looking for managements praise because I know that no matter how well I do my job " This is a business and the business is always going to want more. So I do what I do and never give them reason to ask me anything pretaining to NOT giving an honest days work for honest days pay. Sometimes a person's expectations clouds the reality of the actual situation in which he is experiencing...I realize & understand the working conditions I am working in and I try to apply myself in a way which is best for me to deal with it daily. When I get to a point that its to much for me to cope with instead of stressing myself to thepoint of illness ( I will walk away )........These words are mine and not to be mistaken as a way for everyone to be happy with........It just works for me so far.