TForce | Zone Drivers Making More $


TB Lurker
I was at a union meeting today. We spoke about the Zone drivers and how they have been givin the choice to be union or non union. If they choose non union,their starting pay is over $18.00 an hour, $3.00 more per hour than their union counter parts, which stsrt at $15.05 per hour.

Also, union safety trainers are training these Zone/Satilite drivers in "APP". Ok, I'm confused as to why the "APP" local seems to have no issue with this. We have drivers that are laid off who have not been offered these positions, and why they are hiring from outside the company.

Can anyone offer an explanation for this?
Article 42
Inclusiveness of Contract

Section 2. New Equipment and Operations
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Upon request, the Company and the Union shall meet and discuss rates of pay not previously established in this Agreement for new types of equipment and/or operations and/or changes in law affecting equipment or operations. [/FONT]
Section 3. Extra Contract Agreements
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]The Company agrees not to enter into any agreement or contract with its employees, individually or collectively, which in any way conflicts with the terms and provisions of this Agreement. Any such agreements shall be null and void. [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]..soo one could conclude this is another grievance waiting on a writer..[/FONT]
My suggestion to you terminals who have lost freight in referance to a zone terminal, FILE, FILE, FILE, Under this provision. Even if it does not work in our favor, it will still be on record for a later date and you will be setting a mark for the rest of us to follow.
The more and more I read about these "Zone Drivers" my head spends faster and faster!!!!! Where is the Union Leadership on this issue (The ones in Washington) and why are they allowing Teamster Brothers to train these individuals or better yet why are the safety guys passing them??? Does the leadership (Teamsters) know that we have Road Drivers laid-off or just working a couple hours a day??? I am not getting this at all!!!!! Can someone please explain this to me; maybe I’m not seeing the big picture.:ranting2:
The more and more I read about these "Zone Drivers" my head spends faster and faster!!!!! Where is the Union Leadership on this issue (The ones in Washington) and why are they allowing Teamster Brothers to train these individuals or better yet why are the safety guys passing them??? Does the leadership (Teamsters) know that we have Road Drivers laid-off or just working a couple hours a day??? I am not getting this at all!!!!! Can someone please explain this to me; maybe I’m not seeing the big picture.:ranting2:
I think we are all not seeing the big picture, but something must be filed in order for the ball to get rolling. and all the things you have mentioned must be used to justify a complaint.
File a Grievance in Violation of:

Article 44


Article 34
Jurisdictional Disputes


Article 40
Change of Operations