Yellow | O’connor Named Yrc Coo; Remains President Of Yrc Freight


TB Legend



“T.J. has a strong track record of delivering operational results throughout his career at Roadway Express, Reddaway and YRC Freight,” said Hawkins. “With our network optimization initiative, combined with the recently ratified five-year labor agreement that offers new operational flexibilities, this is the time to bring T.J. into the role of COO. His new position will help us drive performance objectives through enterprise-wide process improvement and accountability initiatives at all of our coast-to-coast terminal locations.”

“This is a great opportunity to lead our terminal-based field teams as we collectively focus on service improvements and achieving operational efficiencies while operating with the highest degree of safety,” said O’Connor. “Throughout my three-and-a-half-decade career in the less-than-truckload industry, I have worked closely with many of our field employees. I’ve seen their dedication and commitment firsthand. I look forward to working with the Holland, New Penn, Reddaway and YRC Freight teams in this new role.”

"Translation...."Bend Over!"

Why is Justin Hall stepping down?

It seems like a revolving door of Executives they stay long enough to make some money and stock awards then move on?
More money, different perks, new opportunities makes them move on, there is no pension plan, nothing to make them stay it's the way business is done now.
I've moved on numerous times over my working career regardless of the condition of the "ship". Why would anyone sensible stay at a place where they weren't happy and satisfied with the compensation?
Agree , that's why I still at the Coop for my wk-end runs with my partner , they treat us good and our Boss Big Dave apprentices us :guiness:
Agree , that's why I still at the Coop for my wk-end runs with my partner , they treat us good and our Boss Big Dave apprentices us :guiness:
Thanks, Wong. I do appreciate you. That’s why I’m gonna have you do a solo run to Orlando over Fourth of July week and Donna purchased airline tickets for the rest of the Way family and we’re putting you all up at Disney World :1036316054:
I’ll just have BRG do Caps shuttle runs for us....
come on T.J. do something......we are all waiting to see what you will do with YRCW
He’ll reap what he sows,Ill give him six months, and if nothing changes It never will.Tired of constant bullshit and working with management that could care less about our company.Is it worth it any more,I could have retired long ago and I hung around for that great insurance we have.Maybe it’s time.
Just a crazy idea: You have a company that is not very profitable, maybe instead of promoting within the company you should hire someone that has been successful making another company profitable to try and fix things? I know it's crazy!