TForce | Ouch!!!


TB Regular
I found that pic on accident. I didn't see any story but I'll see what I can do. It looks like it's out here in the west. Maybe Colorado or Northern Cali or Nevada or Utah.
I have no clue who Tennessee Tuxedo is and why he is holding a sewing machine.

The Boot!

I guess they got tired of being hit by UPS they decided to drive them to their location.
No way, is that for real??? That is some funny crap...:hysterical:

How did they have time to get the boot on? I have never seen a UPS package car in one place for that long, unless they are doing a mall stop, or several places in a shopping center, even then they park out of the way.

What kind of dirtbag would put a boot on a UPS truck, they already do 150 stops a day, that driver doesn't have time for that nonesense.

Oh, and no I'm not being sarcastic, I have no love for the parking police or meter maids, they are all morons and will come to the rescue of any concerned citizen that calls and tattles on the delivery driver. They don't care if that driver has to make 9 trips, 6 blocks with a loaded wheeler, as long as some fat butt, chain smoking woman doesn't have to park 4 more feet away and get out of breath walking into the smoke shop/liquor store.
I know there was a news article a year,or two back.
I can't recall the exact date it was published off hand?
But it was showing UPS as the top parking fine payer in New York City.
The City officials don't even bother going through the court system to collect their parking fines.
They just send the trucking,and parcel delivery companies a bill to pay every year.

This article claimed UPS was at the top of the list with around 1.5 million dollars to shell out for parking fines.
Fedex was right behind them with about 1 million.
It was also reported any company that had to make any deliveries in the city will get stuck paying parking fines.

Everyone could see by this news story that has a real scam going on.

How would they get any of their goods,and services delivered anywhere inside their city if all the folks that had deliveries to make,said no we are not going to go make deliveries in the city if we have to pay parking fines.

I kind of wished I saved that article,I wouldn't now where to start to find it,except to google it?
I may try that later,if I can find the time.