Yellow | Closing 141 (Philly) 06-26-09

The Atlantic City terminal ie Milville will be taking over all of Salem County,and part of the freight corridor in Gloucester County,N.J. Swedesboro and Bridgeport which is well over an hour to get to. Cherry Hill terminal IE Camden is about 1/2 hour to get to Swedesboro and Bridgeport. Once again industrial engineers are f--king this company. Milville terminal is only 20 doors Camdem is 36 doors. Would make sense for Camden to do Swedesboro and Bridgeport. Millville wil not be able to handle all this work!!!
They took all of our tractors(Bensalem 152) about 35(old american freightway) and took them out of service today.They had been taking them out of service before (about 12)this but this was done because their registration was due yesterday and not renewing them.....used all road units to run the city.......
terminal closings

Anybody have or heard of anymore information about the fate of the Carlstadt 190 terminal in New Jersey?