ADuiePyle | New trucks


TB Lurker
Well it's finally happened. First they take away our lightening bolt, now it's the black fenders, which by the way makes them look like YRC trucks. We have lost our idenity, our drive, our desire to set ourselves apart.:crybaby:
Saves $1200 per truck painting it all one color. With the new company leadership moved in over the last few years, it's all about the bottom line now. Gotta pocket as much as possible. Welcome to the world of big name trucking... Wouldn't surprise me if the brothers sold soon and got while the gettin is still good. Merge with a nation-wide carrier. It'll be just like Preston, APA, and CF in another 10 years.
to loose the black fenders is difficult to look at. But I would rather loose those then a pay raise, or some other type of bennies. Look at least they keep buying new trucks, that are loaded with options. All trucking companies look at the bottom line, whether with the new leadership or the brothers in charge. If the company cant turn a profit whats the sense of operating it. As looking like YRC their new trucks are white, at least we didnt go that route. You see more companies going to plain looking trucks to save money, even the railroads have simplified their paint to save money.:drama:
Yeah well when we were only 300 employees and only one terminal we had the money, so why now that we are growing and continuing to make money we can't afford the black? Ah but it's true, now it's all about the money. I still feel like we are losing our identity. :hissyfit:
Just to clarify, Pyle is a good place to work, I'll probably retire here.... It just seems like over the last 4-5 years, the management style has changed so dramatically. I realize that comes with growth. As much as I'd like to go back a decade, I ceratinly hope Pyle lasts another 85 and then some. I wish the young guys coming on now could see how it was when I started. I'm just worried that soon it will just be another place to come for a paycheck. It didn't used to be like that...
Pyle hasnt been a 1 terminal company for what 18-20 years ?? Yes things change, especially as we grow. There will be ups and downs.Most customers probaly wont even notice the diffrence, they just see the back door that says Pyle when you hit the dock. Most 1 terminal LTL companies dont survive, cant compete with the bigger LTL's except on price. Even many 2-3 terminal LTL's are struggling to survive these days. I dont think we will loose our idenity as long as the employees show the customers that we care. I just saw one of our competitors new sleeper truck, it was all generic white with a small name on the door( they used to have full color painted trucks.
Customers don't care what the truck looks like. They want THEIR ADP DRIVER and a clean trailer to put their freight in. Then they want the freight to get there in one piece. Other than pricing it right it's really that simple.
I'm not agruing about any of those things. They are all true. Just saying I feel we are losing our history. FYI, iv'e been here a long time as well.:guiness:
Just building more history. It's up to the people how they want it to look like. While the 80's and 90's were some great years building a reputation it's not '85 anymore....anywhere.
Well just call me nostalgic. Heck I still miss the lightening bolt. Don't hate me for loving the past symbolisms.
nope !!! If tractors with black fenders have the hood damaged, they will get a replacement hood with no black fenders.
Got a bunch of new Freightliners at my barn with orange fenders. Still think they're revolting. The new Volvos don't look so bad, however. Also got some new Great Dane trailers with painted rear-ends. Gonna look awesome in a few months when they're all rust.
i guess pyle is starting to follow new penn. i c a lot of pyle single axle tractors. why are they doing this? pyle as always bought screws, plus i remember them always pulling heavy loads
O'Kane is still Pres. They are ordering Twin Screws now, 90 or so they said. Not sure if they are Volvo's or Freightshakers.
Did you see the PT trailers?? Shiny aluminum wheels and super single tires. That is about time. I drove for transport. The fleet trailers are to heavy. Sometimes I picked up loads in the 46,000 lbs range