FedEx Freight | Gardena CA on strike, walkout!

So out of the 15000 drivers you say are employed by fedex they are all on tb? I wasn't the one that claim no one was ever fired. That said you are back on ignore

This is why I put you on ignore to start with, you make no sense at all. I wasn't talking to you then you posted
Um actually there is a case on the nlrb website that says different
trying to prove me wrong (which you didn't) then you posted a link trying further. There are enough people on TB to cover a lot f the county and pretty much every terminal that's filed, if it were happening we would know. What's wrong @Hoot Owl can't handle the heat so you just stick to liking?
What about the people who weren't there then? They hired in in this environment. We have some on here who aren't even at top rate and are demanding change. They knew what they were getting into right away and could have have moved in n without giving up to much like some of you senior guys. What's there motivation and do you really think they'll ever be happy?
Actually JD, that's a fair observation. Many did hire on into the existing conditions, and more do every day. That is an aspect of this thing that is somewhat hard to predict. On which side of the conversation do they fall?

One might think that those (newer hires) would be totally content, and not interested or concerned about things. I have found that most newer guys do see things that concern them. Not all, but more than you might think. Some of the same issues. Some issues unique to them.

NO sense in going over all of the issues here, but there seems to be an expectation of basic values and fairness. Those values can and do transcend through the ranks regardless of tenure.
Forgot I posted on here a week ago, but why spend time at a place you're unhappy with? Ask any OD driver, sure they may not get OT but atleast there is a good company culture and you are OD Family and that alone has to be why so many FedEx drivers are now working for us and couldn't be happier. We have a line driver who makes 6 figs pulling rocky sets in snow and wind, real tough guy that came from FedEx. He couldn't be happier.
A lot of FedEx drivers you work with have been keeping it a secret from you on where they're going, but I'm here to tell you to follow the trail to OD. We could use experienced help, not the fresh from the street wheel holders we've been picking up.