
  1. Jeff

    Yellow | 1994 Yellow Freight Strike Video

    Boys and Girls we have us a classic getting ready to go up on the Truckingboards Youtube Channel. Our great long time Mod and member Kennesaw Kid sent me a DVD with over 2 hours of footage of that special time in LTL Trucking history, The 1994 Strike Some of it is raw and grainy and remember...
  2. Docker

    ABF | 2010 & 2013 Vote Results

  3. P

    ABF | Please read this explanation of facts before you vote. It is very telling

    Pay special attention to the section on Pension Funds. Even though not all are troubled this contract will have a devastating effect on all our Pensions in the future. This is items 1 and 2 3 and 4 in next reply please read this before you vote. This contract is about much more than not paying...
  4. canaryinthemine

    ABF | Retirees Voting on New Contract?

    Gentlemen: I've just received a phone call from one of the employees of ABF that I represented as Steward before I retired. This gentleman had retired a year before me,........and he called me to ask if Retirees will be voting on ABF's new contract. I thought he was referring to the potential...
  5. Muler

    ABF | What a yes or no vote will mean to our pensions.

    Here it is the things that can or will happen with our pensions with this vote. Lets look at what a yes vote can do for our pensions and out Health insurance. First a yes vote will freeze the contribution rate that abf pays at the rate on the closing date of March 31,2018 that is right the...
  6. mad trucker

    ABF | Vote Yes

    I like to know where all you people were at the last contract?????? I voted no last time. and it past. No one stood up and said nooooo You all believed YRC was going to buy use unless we voted yes!!!!! Now you want to vote NO. Just a reminder A no vote is a strike vote!!!!!!!!! 3 days later ABF...
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