So once again in the liability lawsuit environment of the trucking industry management applies a knee-jerk reaction solution to the entire driver pool because of a select few idiots that refuse to operate in a safe manner. Lowering the speed limit to 65 when Ohio and other states have a 70 MPH speed limit is just wonderful. ( EXTREME Sarcasm)
The statement that was expressed was to "lower the catastrophic effects of a collision", so in the observation of the obvious, why stop there? Shouldn't it be lower like say, 50 MPH? That would lower damage and injury effects. Sounds like hypocrisy abounds once again with those in charge. Rather than reprimand the dopes that REFUSE to operate safely, let's penalize the entire system. The folks that set up the tractors to disable the cruise when wipers are on created the perfect storm. What did they really think was going to happen? Of course its incredibly unsafe to drive in rain or snow with wipers off, but the alternative would be to terminate a driver for going to fast for conditions and be good leaders and holding people accountable. So we can't do that in these days of safe spaces and adult coloring books. So struggle as we may, idiots in charge and idiots behind the wheel........ here we are struggling to get the freight down the road in a safe and timely manner. Hold people ACCOUNTABLE and stop with the across the board decisions.