Yellow | A Plethora Of Restricted Stock Bonuses Awarded To YRCW Execs Today!


TB Legend


SEC Filing Alert
YRC Worldwide, Inc. has filed the following document(s) with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
Feb 22, 2017

Form 4 / Fisher, Stephanie D.

Form 4 / Hall, Justin M.

Form 4 / Boehmer, Mark David


SEC Filing Alert
YRC Worldwide, Inc. has filed the following document(s) with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
Feb 22, 2017

Form 4 / Hawkins, Darren

Form 4 / Ware, Scott D.

Form 4 / Foust, Donald Robert

SEC Filing Alert
YRC Worldwide, Inc. has filed the following document(s) with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
Feb 22, 2017

Form 4 / O'connor, Thomas Joseph IIi


SEC Filing Alert
YRC Worldwide, Inc. has filed the following document(s) with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
Feb 22, 2017

Form 4 / Davidson, William Robert

Form 4 / Fry, James

Form 4 / Welch, James L

These YRCW execs were awarded shares of restricted stock...

Welch-96,360 shares
Fry-14,276 shares
Hawkins-18,915 shares
Ware-15,168 shares
Foust-8,922 shares
O'Connor-12,134 shares
Fisher-10,707 shares
Hall-14,632 shares
Boehmer-9,814 shares

Also YRCW Board Member Davidson cashed in 3800 shares for a cool $49,818 pay day!

Finally, Welch himself cashed in 100,000 shares for a real cool $1,314,000 pay day!

It's good to see that YRCW is "back in the money now", but whatever happened to that "equal sacrifice" language in the MOU?

:maad:, :mad new: Where the Hell is ours for the -15% we been giving them ?? This is total B.S. !!! and Trip don't even start saying they deserve it & stick up for them again !!! Driver's keep bleeding giveback money and they keep getting richer , where the hell i sour so called union & lazy Hoffa !! Pissed off to say the least !!:fingure::mad new:
:maad:, :mad new: Where the Hell is ours for the -15% we been giving them ?? This is total B.S. !!! and Trip don't even start saying they deserve it & stick up for them again !!! Driver's keep bleeding giveback money and they keep getting richer , where the hell i sour so called union & lazy Hoffa !! Pissed off to say the least !!:fingure::mad new:

Wong, do you have to make such a racket? You woke me up from my nap!
:maad:, :mad new: Where the Hell is ours for the -15% we been giving them ?? This is total B.S. !!! and Trip don't even start saying they deserve it & stick up for them again !!! Driver's keep bleeding giveback money and they keep getting richer , where the hell i sour so called union & lazy Hoffa !! Pissed off to say the least !!:fingure::mad new:

Wong, maybe the info in this article will help eliminate one cause of your irritability? Just looking out for you my friend.
What has James Welch done that he can justify making millions after millions on a company that it's workers have sacrificed so much? Give something back! It's the fair thing to do! Welch has had plenty of time to turn this company around and it is time we ask for his resignation!
What has James Welch done that he can justify making millions after millions on a company that it's workers have sacrificed so much? Give something back! It's the fair thing to do! Welch has had plenty of time to turn this company around and it is time we ask for his resignation!
I think it's been ludicrous about all the gifts these executives have been awarding themselves.The absurdity
That's what our union is there to do.To represent our interest.

The Union is not on the board of directions. If I remember correctly, the IBT had the right to offer suggestions on who would be appointed to the board. Board members have a duty to do what is best for the success of the company, not to favor any particular group. If you disagree with what they are doing, buy shares and tell them (as an owner) that you're not pleased. On the other hand you can continue to complain on TB, your choice.
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