FedEx Freight | Any centers losing more runs?


TB Veteran
Rumor has it Nashville losing more runs. Appears to be eight to nine. Suppose to get confirmation Monday.

This is on the heals of increased PT in Nashville. Some of runs are being canceled due to increased PT at other hubs. Anyone else experiencing similar issues?
I didn't have any options this week or last week. People are getting cancelled and moving to the extraboard taking everything that's available.
We were running extra ATL, WME,EFH, and BHM constantly!

Now we went from 10 to 8 Atl, and canceling two of those 50% of time for a average of 6 running.

Wme went from 5 to 4 with 4th getting cut 25% of time.

Bhm went from 5 to 3 with 3rd getting cancelled frequently.

Efh went from 3 to 2 with 2nd getting cancelled alot.

Ind went from 4 to 2.

All these centers have had PT increase. Senior Nashville drivers have taken runs that never get canceled because of this trend even if they didn't like run.
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I don't think we are losing anymore runs. But we have 5 people coming back soon. 2 off furlough and 3 off medical leaves. I'm already on the bottom run, so I'm probably going to be a full time dock worker soon. People around my seniority are working 1-2 times a week. And I'm not burning up all my savings.

We'll have 2-3 going on furlough the 5th but unfortunately I think they will be forced furloughs this time.
In some cases the new furlough will be taken by the people already on furlough. They were supposed to come back the beginning of March and this 3rd round will simply allow them to extend their time away. I know a guy whose trying a different job out and I'm sure he put in for round 3.
The first quarter of the year is always slowest. This year is much worse but hopefully we'll pull out of this by late spring and be back to begging for a day off.
I assume all centers that can be serviced by PT will be affected. My center is losing about 30 percent of the remaining AM bids, PM runs are going away as well.

Network 2.0 and DRIVE are ramping up.
I assume all centers that can be serviced by PT will be affected. My center is losing about 30 percent of the remaining AM bids, PM runs are going away as well.

Network 2.0 and DRIVE are ramping up.
I see PT in place of better mileage day runs. In some centers there are rumors PT doing meets!
FedEx IS combining the operating companies. Ground and Express are the biggest, not much is publicly reported on Freight.

In my opinion, they’ll attempt to steal as much from Amazon’s model as possible, while combining it with Ground’s strengths and Freight’s reliance on PT methodology.

This isn’t a rosy future for company employees.

I’m just hoping for a buyout. Pay me to go away, I’m too good for you anyway. :)
FedEx IS combining the operating companies. Ground and Express are the biggest, not much is publicly reported on Freight.

In my opinion, they’ll attempt to steal as much from Amazon’s model as possible, while combining it with Ground’s strengths and Freight’s reliance on PT methodology.

This isn’t a rosy future for company employees.

I’m just hoping for a buyout. Pay me to go away, I’m too good for you anyway. :)
Only if I can run teams with your oh so sexy self!
Have not heard of any more runs being cut by me. We have 8-10 on furlough, will be rebidding in March and redoing 8-10 furloughs. They need to do more since the bottom 7 guys are basically full time dockworkers right now. Everyone jumped on bids last rebid I’m sure it will be the same this time. I could have jumped up 6 spots on XB because so many guys jumped off that due to lack of extra runs. BUT in the morning my center looks like a Loves truck stop, 10 PT’s on the ready line. This sh*t is getting depressing. Time for that career change.
I’m sorry for those affected negatively by all of this. I’m afraid the bleeding will continue and unfortunately it will be us that bleeds the most. Our pay or benefits will be bled like always. Corporate greed will prevail, they have their golden parachutes to fall back on. Maybe they will bring out the wiener roller, it seems to be what most would sell their soul for….. Or maybe some Chile… Or a snow cone machine…. Or some ice cream… Just sayin….. THATS what matters to many.
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Have not heard of any more runs being cut by me. We have 8-10 on furlough, will be rebidding in March and redoing 8-10 furloughs. They need to do more since the bottom 7 guys are basically full time dockworkers right now. Everyone jumped on bids last rebid I’m sure it will be the same this time. I could have jumped up 6 spots on XB because so many guys jumped off that due to lack of extra runs. BUT in the morning my center looks like a Loves truck stop, 10 PT’s on the ready line. This sh*t is getting depressing. Time for that career change.
I can't understand the logic behind fedex spending tens thousands if not more hiring and training people only to let them sit to run PT.

Guess some college grad came up with this idea. Someone that has never driven a truck or worked at a major hub.

Good luck all. I'm checked out! First good job and I'm gone, but in this economy gonna be later than sooner!
I can't understand the logic behind fedex spending tens thousands if not more hiring and training people only to let them sit to run PT.

Guess some college grad came up with this idea. Someone that has never driven a truck or worked at a major hub.

Good luck all. I'm checked out! First good job and I'm gone, but in this economy gonna be later than sooner!

Stop threatening and start stripping!