ODFL | Are drivers quitting because of the cameras?

Of course.

I would. No problem. Its NOT pretty when I get out of bunk for my two step commute to the office at the drivers seat, half filthy, coffee mug in one hand and a pack of smokes in the other. Kicking the paper work onto the dash to cover the camera while unshaven and barefoot.

Usually its Office People who quit after seeing unseeable stuff like that. Its a shame aint it?
I heard that drivers are quitting because of the cameras. I know a lot of us are not happy about them.

Good luck, everyone will have cameras at all LTL companies eventually, most already do and some are driver facing. If they don’t like it then they’ll need to find a new line of work. Won’t be surprised when FMCSA requires them in all commercial vehicles before long.
" Won’t be surprised when FMCSA requires them in all commercial vehicles before long."

Only to the new self driving truck becomes available with the new quantum AI
They can have the self driving crap. Oh thats going to bite us all in our green ass.

Cutting costs by eliminating humans. Wunnerbar.

The last three Rentals all had cameras and not just for people but also for adaptive, lane keeping and other crap. At times I had to fight with the vehicle on our freeway to get it to behave. Happy to keep my old Tahoe that has none of that ::shit:: in it until the USA Outlaws it or something.
Those computers running that 'safety' hardware are as good as the people who wrote the code and the machine itself. We all know equipment breakdown with time, so will those features.
Nothing withstands the sands of time, and no machine made runs at 100% very long.
Good luck, everyone will have cameras at all LTL companies eventually, most already do and some are driver facing. If they don’t like it then they’ll need to find a new line of work. Won’t be surprised when FMCSA requires them in all commercial vehicles before long.
FMCSA, and the insurance companies.
They can have the self driving crap. Oh thats going to bite us all in our green ass.

Cutting costs by eliminating humans. Wunnerbar.

The last three Rentals all had cameras and not just for people but also for adaptive, lane keeping and other crap. At times I had to fight with the vehicle on our freeway to get it to behave. Happy to keep my old Tahoe that has none of that **** in it until the USA Outlaws it or something.
Just wait til one of those self driving trucks leave the scene of an accident.
That is a very good point. Also, how would the police pull over an autonomous truck? Does it somehow know when there are blue lights flashing behind it? And, are they programmed to pull over for emergency vehicles to let them pass?
Each truck will have a caboose attached to the rear with a Goober riding shotgun to handle any of these emergencies.
That is a very good point. Also, how would the police pull over an autonomous truck? Does it somehow know when there are blue lights flashing behind it? And, are they programmed to pull over for emergency vehicles to let them pass?
Who is going to, chain them up, if needed?
Are they going to have to use state weight stations?
Can the operators of these keep the computer hackers from taking the truck on a joy ride?
Will they be able to sense black ice?
If involved in an accident, who handles it on the scene?
Who is going to, chain them up, if needed?
Are they going to have to use state weight stations?
Can the operators of these keep the computer hackers from taking the truck on a joy ride?
Will they be able to sense black ice?
If involved in an accident, who handles it on the scene?
Please read post #11