XPO | Bad accident Saturday morning R.I.P. driver

R I P. Driver, These stories are so sad, He was old enough to retire. Simular story that I remember about a UPS ground Driver that lost his life when he was avoiding a camper that pulled of the shoulder right in front of him. He went off a embankment between North bound and soutS bound bridge's. Past age of retirement but didn't want X wife to draw on his pension , story that I heard.
R I P. Driver, These stories are so sad, He was old enough to retire. Simular story that I remember about a UPS ground Driver that lost his life when he was avoiding a camper that pulled of the shoulder right in front of him. He went off a embankment between North bound and soutS bound bridge's. Past age of retirement but didn't want X wife to draw on his pension , story that I heard.

After Con-way stole the pension. We have guys that can't afford to retire. The remaining pension doesn't cover it. They owe the ex-wife the difference between the divorce settlement and the reality.
After Con-way stole the pension. We have guys that can't afford to retire. The remaining pension doesn't cover it. They owe the ex-wife the difference between the divorce settlement and the reality.
I have no doubt about that sad reality, I hope that I have come to the point where I will not make any major debts anymore. One never knows what they will get thrown at them, but I just don't want the big ticket items that take years to pay for. That's like adding to my sentence causing me to work longer.
I plan on drawing my Con- way pension at Sixty two. I can get the full amount of what little that I will get.
Man, when it's your time, it's your time. Prayers to the family.
Was the FedEx guy hauling two potato loaded pups. #135000 gross seems excessive.
30 million is only the tip of the iceberg , right ?
What about the lawyers , court cost , ect ....
I had a friend who was a linesman at the power company tell me that my job was far more dangerous than his, I said how is that you work with thousands of volts. He said because if I die up here it's because I did something I knew I shouldn't do but you can be killed at anytime with absolutely zero fault of your own.

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