Belize - Logging truck beheads passenger


TB Lurker
Twenty-two year old Gregorio Tillett of Orange Walk Town had his head literally torn off his shoulders when a pick-up truck his older brother was driving slammed into the rear end of a truck loaded with logs.

Gregorio’s mangled head was found a few feet away from the point of impact.

The logs were pro -truding some 10 feet from the back of the truck, which was parked on the driver’s side of the road. But the logs themselves and much of the truck were on the highway, one of the survivors said.

The truck loaded with logs was on its way to Orange Walk Town when it experienced bloutouts on two tyres.

The driver, 31-year old Delphin Perez, said he was still repairing the tires when night fell. So he set ablaze an old truck tire as a beacon to warn motorists of the obstruction on the road.

Meanwhile the Tillett brothers were heading home in their double-cab pick-up after a long day. Servio Tillett was driving.Seated next to him was his friend, Eluterio Canul.

His younger brother, Gregorio, was in the back seat, directly behind Eluterio.

They saw the burning truck tyre and slowed down but since the burning tyre was some distance away from the disabled truck, the pick-up had already gathered speed by the time it reached the protruding logs.

Eluterio saw the logs a split second before impact and lurched to avoid them, but Gregorio caught the full brunt in the face.

Eluterio had the skin of the upper right arm shaved off by the close encounter, but Gregorio was killed instantly.

Canul explained “We never saw the truck right away and when we picked up speed to continue, another vehicle was coming from the opposite direction,” he recalls.

Canul said he does not remember what happened after the impact, but he managed to dodge the same log that struck Tillett seated behind him.

Cruz Cambranes, another driver using the highway, reported he also had a narrow escape from the same log-laden truck.

“While driving, I saw this vehicle, so I dimmed my light to low beam. “When I put on back my high beam the truck with the logs was right there in front of me.

“I managed to swing my truck enough to avoid hitting the logs and the truck,” Cambranes recalled claiming there was still some minor damage to his truck.

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