Central Transport | Better then ever.

Why is it ridicules? Because the person is not in your circle jerk clan that sits around bad mouthing a company you were to lazy to work for.
I don’t have a particular circle jerk, nor did I bad mouth any company, nor does being lazy have anything to do with this. It’s pretty obvious the post I was referring to was authored by a troll. Safe travels and happy trails out there.
Same old same old lame comments from you losers that are jealous. Just wait maybe we will buy your company again and give you another shot. One second thought you'll probably get fired again because your a lazy turd that thinks everyone owes you something.:crybaby:
Jealous of what? The bottom feeders in LTL! That’s a joke. I’m retired Mr. Perfect and you’re still working for absolutely the worst LTL company in business today. Everyone that knows anything about the LTL business knows that Central Transport is nothing but a cesspool. You deserve each other! Swim in the ::shit::.
I just got back from a week @ Panama City Beach. I tune in to what is going on here @ TB & the first thing I see is cesspool, Mr. Perfect, & the worst LTL outfit in the business. Same old same old. I say, let’s talk about something more exciting. My memory. Now, so I do not miss represent myself, I must tell you my memory is a lot like my *****, short most of the time, occasionally long. Your turn to jump in & post your exciting response. Von.
I just got back from a week @ Panama City Beach. I tune in to what is going on here @ TB & the first thing I see is cesspool, Mr. Perfect, & the worst LTL outfit in the business. Same old same old. I say, let’s talk about something more exciting. My memory. Now, so I do not miss represent myself, I must tell you my memory is a lot like my *****, short most of the time, occasionally long. Your turn to jump in & post your exciting response. Von.
Really nothing else to say. You can’t defend the indefensible. A cesspool is a cesspool. Something exciting? The Ole Lady told me she wants some tonight. I’m hoping he doesn’t let me down. If he doesn’t things could become very exciting. If he can’t rise to the occasion then I’ll just go fishing and that’s very exciting to me.
I see I have failed. Hoping for a lot of response, I only got yours. Thanks. All I was trying to do was stir the pot. And I failed. von.
I just got back from a week @ Panama City Beach. I tune in to what is going on here @ TB & the first thing I see is cesspool, Mr. Perfect, & the worst LTL outfit in the business. Same old same old. I say, let’s talk about something more exciting. My memory. Now, so I do not miss represent myself, I must tell you my memory is a lot like my *****, short most of the time, occasionally long. Your turn to jump in & post your exciting response. Von.
Guys bottom line I make substantially more money at Central than I could at the other LTLs. I drive a new truck and trailer every day and my check is given to me every Thursday so direct deposit means nothing to me. I have a great TM that works his ass off for us drivers, I dont know a single LTL company that would consider giving their drivers 3+ dollars per hour raise in a single year on top of large incentive based quarterly bonuses. Sounds like you guys had a bad experience during the Vitran buyout but this is definitely not the same company and definitely not the same money or equipment.
Guys bottom line I make substantially more money at Central than I could at the other LTLs. I drive a new truck and trailer every day and my check is given to me every Thursday so direct deposit means nothing to me. I have a great TM that works his ass off for us drivers, I dont know a single LTL company that would consider giving their drivers 3+ dollars per hour raise in a single year on top of large incentive based quarterly bonuses. Sounds like you guys had a bad experience during the Vitran buyout but this is definitely not the same company and definitely not the same money or equipment.
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