ODFL | Blue Parrott xpressway 2 reviews

Grumpy O' Man

TB Veteran
Anyone using this new bluetooth model?????? Wanting a new device&have been really pleased with the B-250 for 3 yrs except for being bulky.I like the new xpressway2.Very nice looking.But,see some neg. review's
Again just checking on OD Board for any insite.I'm taking from other's so far it is a waste of money.I would be better of just changing the cushion's on the old one
In 07 due to CA and other states went to the B-250, used it until Aug this year, used it all the time, even around farm and shop, been a hard use/life, started to have a recharging issue. Had a Motor Trend version I'd received as a gift couple years ago. It just sucked. So , "Loves" had their Parrott sale going on. Checked out newer model(s), one you mentioned included. Clerk said a lot of the newer style models are getting sent back for issues, or drivers are using them as backups and still purchasing 250's. Stayed with what worked before.:notworthy: NOW if I could just get Verizon to go back to the original tuff grade Flip phone. "Samsung" or "Nokia" these other new style just don't hold up. :regretful:1st Motorola lasted 7 years, had to upgrade, (Not Blue compatible) yet still basic style/function except added camera. That one lasted 5 years, then granddaughter/toilet issue. lol. :17:
I'll probably buy another 250. After 5yrs of use I'm just now starting to have some recharge issues, but beyond that I've not had one issue with it. I'm quite prone to sticking with what works.
I like the Plantronics line. The last couple I've had are Plantronics. The battery charge lasts btwn about 6 or 7 hrs.
Well,I order'd new cushion's for the old trusty B 250..I order'd a new Xpressway"original one".I've alway's liked the xpressway because it is a little more profiled that the B250..There is alot of bad review's on all the updated Blue Parrott model's.Some say to stay with the original B250&Xpressway.Got them off Amazon.Headset was $69.free shipping
I have had the xpressway for about 2 years now and I like it, I have had to replace the part that goes over the head and cushions, but the Bluetooth itself has been flawless. No complaints and would buy it again.
Well,received the xpressway yesterday.Love it because it's not has big has the b 250..I tried the over the ear.Didn't like that.So we went back with the over the head.Work's well.Waiting on new cushion's for the old one.Going to stick it back has a back-up.
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