SAIA | Camera question

Dick Dastardly

Drat, Double Drat, and Triple Drat!
How are they doing things in your region? Here, it’s every morning I hear someone being told they have a new camera video to view. The drivers I talk to, which are all mostly new, it’s constant harassment.

They are still hiring and training new drivers so I don’t think it’s a matter of over hiring and trying to “thin the herd”. I think it’s just a particular safety man in this region is a complete *******.

Last week I worked six days. Three days linehaul, and three days city. I come in to be told I have a video to view for a critical following distance, because they have an eight second clip, and during that eight second clip I had a period of three seconds following distance. (They expect four to six seconds at all times) This particular run was a 640 mile turn so you have to be on your toes to make it back.

I guess in the end this post is just me venting, but I’ve just never worked for a company that makes drivers feel so unwelcome, especially new hires. I don’t understand why you hire someone to treat them like complete doormats and make them feel unwelcome and want to leave the job after spending so much money bringing them on.

They have a really good pay and benefits package here, and this could be a great job, but this place is not for me if this is how it’s going to be. I can’t recommend anyone work here based off of my experience.
Some terminal’s don’t do much about the videos. Here in north west, not as much. Had a guy transfer to PHX and it’s a problem every week ( I keep in touch daily with him). If it beep’s let off immediately. Personally I don’t have a problem ( make videos every week). I just tell the TM , if you don’t make a video you’re not doing your job.
Some terminal’s don’t do much about the videos. Here in north west, not as much. Had a guy transfer to PHX and it’s a problem every week ( I keep in touch daily with him). If it beep’s let off immediately. Personally I don’t have a problem ( make videos every week). I just tell the TM , if you don’t make a video you’re not doing your job.
Around here they’re putting pen to paper and writing guys up. Some are getting “retrained” and put on probation.
I have heard several Estes drivers say if they ever left Estes Saia and any company with driver facing cameras is off the table. Ive seen the distance thing go off when a car cuts in front of you. In bumper to bumper traffic its hard to keep 2 tractor trailer lengths in front of you.
I have heard several Estes drivers say if they ever left Estes Saia and any company with driver facing cameras is off the table. Ive seen the distance thing go off when a car cuts in front of you. In bumper to bumper traffic its hard to keep 2 tractor trailer lengths in front of you.
I was dinged for stop and go rush hour at 5 to 10mph traffic and not having sufficient distance. They’re ridiculous.
My company has outward facing cameras, which I feel protect me. Inward is just a way for the company to show up in court and tell you you're on your own.

Thank God I'm hourly. If I had to rush, I would be hearing a lot more buzzers and bells.
I quit working for saia earlier this year for this very reason.. i got 2 writeups for getting cut off and not braking fast enough and I noped the hell out of there. My hub's dispatch was pretty uncooperative so that was also a contributing factor. Mind you, I had a million mile safe driving award and 8 years safe driving, and I'd request or attempt to work almost every weekend but not my "last" weekend with saia. Honestly I felt I deserved a little more respect than I was getting. YMMV because the terminal I was hired at didn't have this level of nitpicking, but the safety guy at the hub I transfered to was trying to assert his way into getting a promotion so he was up everybody's a**
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