XPO | Can someone tell me what is the number of mm expected per hour?

Miss Impala

TB Lurker
Can someone tell me what is the number of mm expected per hour? I have my freight dsr scorecard and then a link, but the link does not seem to work? I am wondering as I like to have goals to work towards. :732: But I also don't want it to be unrealistic.

And if you have that number, is that an updated number since they have implemented the e-track system?

Thank you in advance!!!

Miss Impala
I was at work and asked my manager about it. He asked me to pull my scorecard up so he could see and he asked me to print it out. Specifically, I asked was 11 motor moves an hour alright, and I was told I was doing fine. Keep in mind that after he printed it out he asked could he keep it and black-out my name. The reason he said was to show the scorecard to someone else and find out what's "good" or "bad". This was over 2 months ago and I've heard nothing. Also if you are a city driver a report detailing your stops, length of time, time of arrival, return time, etc.
With all this Info they can do a time study on LTL.......Think it would work?............Sure it would......Faster,better,smarter,farter,oops......nevermind...
Well, here is my problem, I tend to be anal.... stop smirking.. I bring in a pallet, and the 2-3 sob's in front of me have floored out the load? And it still shows 23 shipments left to load? So while I try to do things right and ask the FOS whether they want me to rework the trlr or not. It appears that I am a very slow loader? I just hope there is something that indicates not only speed but your ability to actually build a proper trailer you know?
Miss Impala said:
Well, here is my problem, I tend to be anal.... stop smirking.. I bring in a pallet, and the 2-3 sob's in front of me have floored out the load? And it still shows 23 shipments left to load? So while I try to do things right and ask the FOS whether they want me to rework the trlr or not. It appears that I am a very slow loader? I just hope there is something that indicates not only speed but your ability to actually build a proper trailer you know?

A good terminal and its supervision will overlook the scorecard if u continually do the right things.
I agree 100% with wonderring99, I run into the same situation every night, floor loaded trailers, Do the right thing fix it and move on. Management knows if your doing the right thing or not. Those scorecards are a joke, all they do is cause dsr's to move freight, Not move freight and load properly.
I find that it's the ppl that have 11mm/hr that do most of the flooring out. lol.
Exactly! I waste more time moving racks and fixing others' laziness than simply loading my own stuff. Do you people not know you're getting paid by the hour and not by the move? Try loading it right the first time.
At my barn on outbound the expected number is 9... I haven't heard much talk of FAC mm numbers but I would assume similar. I hit 9 easily and that's even with dealing with all the bullshit like reworking trailers, backstripping the osd trailers to find hidden freight our osd guy is too lazy to pull out, etc etc. The scorecards IMO don't mean a hell of a lot for a few simple reasons: DSR's will cheat... we have a guy at our barn who runs around scanning every piece of freight on the dock onto outbound trailers without ever moving it, you can usually find him sitting in the office bullshitting with management and talking about how his numbers are better than everyone elses... Docking freight will also screw with your numbers a bit but there are times it just has to be done.

If you care about your numbers when you have to rework a trailer at the FAC take the extra 10 seconds to rescan every piece of freight that you pull/reload. Honestly though supervisors know who works and who doesn't and don't need scorecards to tell them this. Higher ups? Well they're a different story, but they'll never be happy. Give them 9 mm an hour and they'll say it should be 11, give em 11 and they'll wonder why everyone isn't at 15...

Use the scorecard as a self motivational tool and you'll be fine. Start worrying about what management thinks of your scorecard numbers and you'll be miserable and damaging freight left and right trying to hit magical unobtainable numbers.
Amazing. You need a score card to evaluate an employee. Next they will evaluate how many tire rotations you have on your forklift. GPS tracking within the service center.

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