FedEx Freight | Cfo Received Large Bonus

The CFO of one of the world's largest companies got a,,,,, BONUS?!?!?

The CFO of one of the world's largest companies got a,,,,, BONUS?!?!?

I do agree it was a well deserved bonus on top of his 5.1 million dollar salary. As I climb into dirty equipment and My hours being cut but hey at least I got a paper mask and sanitizer. Hopefully they paid him from the cares act that Fedex received which will save almost 700 million in taxes. I’m all for leadership making money never worked for a poor man but to receive over a 500k bonus.
I agree with what's said here. I understand getting a bonus is great and all but since January I have been cut from runs added overtime is almost 4 wks of work. I get it and I know why. Were moving things at our pace and not honoring service atm during the crisis so it lines the pockets of these guys come bonus. Its real but fake numbers but what do u do. Were not him and no it will never be fair
The Memphis business journal has the full story not knocking the guy he has been with Fedex for years and helped ensure profits for the stockholders. With runs being cancelled, hours cut, and furloughs just seems like bad timing to give a bonus. Just hope he remembers how well the pandemic was handled when they talk about raises and benefits.
Get more education.
Work lots of hours.
Get a different position in the company.
Work more hours.
Make more money.

There. I laid it out for you guys.
did the get the vaccine that worked? If so, he deserved it! If not, how did he "handle" it? Just curious..
I’m assuming from the article in the Memphis business journal he made sure the company made money which is a good thing
Get more education.
Work lots of hours.
Get a different position in the company.
Work more hours.
Make more money.

There. I laid it out for you guys.
Funny thing I agree with you on that statement.
Get more education.
Work lots of hours.
Get a different position in the company.
Work more hours.
Make more money.

There. I laid it out for you guys.

Yup. The big regional guy by me started off as a PT dock worker. FXF is definitely good on there ways of promoting within.

FXF is paying almost all of my immediate supervisors college tuition while he’s already making real good money for his age.

That CFO got a nice bonus....but road drivers with zero college making 110-120k make a good buck too. There pulling in as much or more than a family practice doctor without the college debt.

Count your blessings people.
I'd like to see that list of all those hours worked.
If you're a driver, the time one needs to get there is basically a 9 week investment, if that.

Short of that, I'm not sure what arguments a socialists would be happy with, aside from benefitting from someone else's accomplishments.
But, lot of that going on lately, so who knows?
You very well could be the next CFO with your 9 weeks of training!
If you're a driver, the time one needs to get there is basically a 9 week investment, if that.

Short of that, I'm not sure what arguments a socialists would be happy with, aside from benefitting from someone else's accomplishments.
But, lot of that going on lately, so who knows?
You very well could be the next CFO with your 9 weeks of training!
With some of the stupidity here I wish some had at least 9 weeks of training.
Yup. The big regional guy by me started off as a PT dock worker. FXF is definitely good on there ways of promoting within.

FXF is paying almost all of my immediate supervisors college tuition while he’s already making real good money for his age.

That CFO got a nice bonus....but road drivers with zero college making 110-120k make a good buck too. There pulling in as much or more than a family practice doctor without the college debt.

Count your blessings people.
i know many people who make six figures and have no college! its just being goal driven and smart, college don't mean ::shit:: half the time but a huuuge debt. Damn, where do you live that a family doctor only make $110-120k? must be one small ass town,thats for sure.
i know many people who make six figures and have no college! its just being goal driven and smart, college don't mean :::shit::: half the time but a huuuge debt. Damn, where do you live that a family doctor only make $110-120k? must be one small ass town,thats for sure.

Well I guess it’s been a while since I looked up the median income for family practice doctors. Been since high school. Needless to say no driver at FXF is making anything close to what they make. Lol. 180-200k. My bad on that fake news stat Haha

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