Yellow | CGB road drivers where you at?


TB Lurker
Baez, Perkins, Avery, Kohn, Perzynski, dirty sneakers, Alpo, Lincoln, Preacher, Gordon, Baby Trucker, where you guys at? J. Bartolomucci-Springfield, IL.
What are you asking? C Baez the greatest B A a union ever produced was forced out by his local. Perkins just quit and went non union. Lincoln is back at 309 as no. 1 driver again. He was useless as a steward. Preacher is still fighting the good fight as is Stump and others.:thread::GrowUp::horse****:
Thanks Pilot 108/Pup Driver

What are you asking? C Baez the greatest B A a union ever produced was forced out by his local. Perkins just quit and went non union. Lincoln is back at 309 as no. 1 driver again. He was useless as a steward. Preacher is still fighting the good fight as is Stump and others.:thread::GrowUp::horse****:

I was just curious about CGB. Is there still a big road operation there? Is it still in chicago ridge? I left in 2001 to go to work for IDOT in Springfield under Local 916
you might want to look on fb but you should be a bit carefule on some of the last names check form rules # 1 was all you needed ?
Baez, Perkins, Avery, Kohn, Perzynski, dirty sneakers, Alpo, Lincoln, Preacher, Gordon, Baby Trucker, where you guys at? J. Bartolomucci-Springfield, IL.

kohn died of aheart attack a few years ago sad he was i think mid 40s he was in portage so is dan still ........................gordon gone, hillard, garfield, gone