FedEx Freight | Check stub no more?

All Nighter

TB Lurker
I was informed last night at my terminal that we would not receiving a check pay stub after January 20. We was informed us employees would have to go to ADP app to receive check pay information or log in on company computer to get it printed out. Just wondering if anybody else has got this news at their terminal. I wanted to know if it is company wide or just a center thing.
What’s the ADP app??
Na , really Dave ?
S69 post the link for me please and thanks .
Think we found mine on G-Play Store , actually
when it was brand new to us a sup I trusted did
it for me / with me , it is nice .
No but it needs a password and will work well for you once we get it figured out for everyone buddy . Hang in there , we got team members trying to dial this down .
I reset my app and tried from scratch. This may only work for me because I'm a registered user. I'm waiting on sups to get back to me with the info I asked for, but in the meantime try this.

Download the app. It's adp mobile solutions and it looks like this (on Android)
At the bottom of the screen, hit where is says "New? Get Started" circled in purple

The next page will ask if you have a registration code. Hit "no". It'll ask for your name and DOB. When it asks for your employee ID put in 00 before your 7 digit ID number so it would look like 001234567.

I'm waiting on somebody to send me the registration code. In the meantime, try the above and see if it works.
I still haven't got the answer that I am looking for. Is this company wide or just a center issue? I have a reason for asking. Please let me know, thanks everybody.