ODFL | Combo


TB Lurker
If most new hires are combo could i get some info on what shifts you most work. ..starting pay and top pay ...thanks for all information
Well Pantherman the combo position usually is some of both,if you're working P/D more than likely going to work between 05:00-19:00.If you're working linehaul(you probably know combo is a mix of both,but we have visitors that might not)You might be working any time of the day or more likely,the night,and weekends.If you have HOS available you're going to be expected to be ready to work as needed.Everyone has to start somewhere,combo is where you pay the dues until a line bid,or a P/D position comes available.
I am currently a Dock/P&D combo. Come in between 5:00 - 8:00 depending on what early deliveries have to be done that day. Usually working 12+ hour days. I only started recently and have yet to see the dock, been driving mostly, so can't tell you what the dock is like, only heard that it's about the only time you will be going home after 8 hours, lol.
I am currently a Dock/P&D combo. Come in between 5:00 - 8:00 depending on what early deliveries have to be done that day. Usually working 12+ hour days. I only started recently and have yet to see the dock, been driving mostly, so can't tell you what the dock is like, only heard that it's about the only time you will be going home after 8 hours, lol.

What terminal do you work out of?
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