Yellow | Company proposal on TDU


TB Lurker
Here is what TDU is reporting the company put forward for a PROPOSAL, this according to TDU has NOT been agreed to by the IBT.
Reports indicate that YRC’s proposals include these:

1.Continued annual wage increases in 2015 and beyond, but with no increase in 2014.
2.Overtime pay after 40 hours per week, instead of after 8 hours.
3.Change H&W language so that a partial week of work will not pay for a full week of H&W coverage.
4.Work rule changes, including outsourcing some maintenance and use of outside contractors for certain road work.

There has been a lot of misleading information posted on here over the last few days with these and some other proposals coming from so called 'reliable sources' being what we will be voting on, which is not true at this time. This is a proposal, and not a 'tentative agreement'. I'm sure the company would love to get all these things. What the final agreement will be might be a lot different.
In my opinion the IBT will never go for overtime after 40 instead of 8. I could see them giving up the H&W language that requires you to work 40 hours to get 40 paid in, it's 3 days in the city and 1 trip on the road now. I think the IBT should propose giving us increases every year of the agreement to get us back to the full rate, as they did with the ABF contract instead of wage increases, we would make out better, and we would be more in line with them at the end of the agreement.
I dont think we should Have to give up anything . We did not screw up They did. Remember? Helloooo.
Who cares? The only important contractual issue is pension! No one here want to work forever!
Here is what TDU is reporting the company put forward for a PROPOSAL, this according to TDU has NOT been agreed to by the IBT.
Reports indicate that YRC’s proposals include these:

1.Continued annual wage increases in 2015 and beyond, but with no increase in 2014.
2.Overtime pay after 40 hours per week, instead of after 8 hours.
3.Change H&W language so that a partial week of work will not pay for a full week of H&W coverage.
4.Work rule changes, including outsourcing some maintenance and use of outside contractors for certain road work.

There has been a lot of misleading information posted on here over the last few days with these and some other proposals coming from so called 'reliable sources' being what we will be voting on, which is not true at this time. This is a proposal, and not a 'tentative agreement'. I'm sure the company would love to get all these things. What the final agreement will be might be a lot different.
In my opinion the IBT will never go for overtime after 40 instead of 8. I could see them giving up the H&W language that requires you to work 40 hours to get 40 paid in, it's 3 days in the city and 1 trip on the road now. I think the IBT should propose giving us increases every year of the agreement to get us back to the full rate, as they did with the ABF contract instead of wage increases, we would make out better, and we would be more in line with them at the end of the agreement.
Not a damn thing in it about the PENSION!!! What a bunch of :horse****:
so give up O.T. ? NOT , give up H&W ? NOT , no pay raise 2014? NOT , work rule changes ? NOT , what part of NO don't you understand ?
TDU is usually reliable, either they left out some key proposals or the information put on here last week was wrong. What ever it is I think we gave enough also, hopefuly our leadership will push back on these proposals. And Chits, it's 1 trip for full credit in N.E.
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TDU is usually reliable, either they left out some key proposals or the information put on here last week was wrong. What ever it is I think we gave enough also, hopefuly our leadership will push back on these proposals. And Chits, it's 1 trip for full credit in N.E.

You will see soon....just be patient....KK
no one liked what was proposed the 1st time. they made it worse so when they go back to the original proposal it will look good enough for a yes vote.
Here is what TDU is reporting the company put forward for a PROPOSAL, this according to TDU has NOT been agreed to by the IBT.
Reports indicate that YRC’s proposals include these:

1.Continued annual wage increases in 2015 and beyond, but with no increase in 2014.
2.Overtime pay after 40 hours per week, instead of after 8 hours.
3.Change H&W language so that a partial week of work will not pay for a full week of H&W coverage.
4.Work rule changes, including outsourcing some maintenance and use of outside contractors for certain road work.

Since I'm in the minority on this board, here goes noting. I'm not jumping for joy here but it's really not as bad as I thought it would be.

1. The raises issue is fine. I was actually expecting a pay freeze.
2. The overtime issue sucks but for all of the people working 40+ hour weeks anyway it won't matter so much.
3. As far as changing the HW issue that's fine too....although I've never been one of the guys who uses up more sick time than they receive. The few times I've needed it I used vacation days as well.
4. Already happens for city work at a lot of terminals, why not road work too?
TDU is usually reliable, either they left out some key proposals or the information put on here last week was wrong. What ever it is I think we gave enough also, hopefuly our leadership will push back on these proposals. And Chits, it's 1 trip for full credit in N.E.

It takes 3 trips for the rest of us.
Since I'm in the minority on this board, here goes noting. I'm not jumping for joy here but it's really not as bad as I thought it would be.

1. The raises issue is fine. I was actually expecting a pay freeze.
2. The overtime issue sucks but for all of the people working 40+ hour weeks anyway it won't matter so much.
3. As far as changing the HW issue that's fine too....although I've never been one of the guys who uses up more sick time than they receive. The few times I've needed it I used vacation days as well.
4. Already happens for city work at a lot of terminals, why not road work too?

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.
TDU is usually reliable, either they left out some key proposals or the information put on here last week was wrong. What ever it is I think we gave enough also, hopefuly our leadership will push back on these proposals. And Chits, it's 1 trip for full credit in N.E.

The information posted last week was spot on. There is no proposal just yet, the company is just talking with the IBT about numerous issues that may end up in a proposal. Remember, during talks such as these things change hour to hour and sometimes minute by minute.

There is no proposal as of yet. We just have to sit back and wait and see what they finally agree to put in writing and bring to the members for a vote.

As far as I'm concerned, these are scare tactics to make our current MOU look good. I'm just one man, and that's my take on things.
Bander, you got to think about how the company will use the OT after 40 and HW language with their weekly layoffs, lots of guys could be hurt without the language we have now.

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