Yellow | Contract Proposal Forms Now Being Distributed


TB Legend
On Tuesday, September 25, 2018 Teamster Local 24 officials gave copies of 2019 freight contract proposal forms to the union stewards at YRC Freight (Akron-211) for distribution to the union employees. Union employees were instructed to fill out the forms and either return them to their stewards or bring them to a big contract proposal meeting at the Holiday Inn in Fairlawn, Ohio on Sunday, October 7, 2018. Let's hope everyone fills out a proposal form and that there is a big turnout for the meeting.

Let us know how this is being handled at your barn!



Brothers and Sisters I need your input! I'm gonna get you the
"best contract ever"!


Hey Ken! We better tell Ernie..."not so fast"!
#776 in hbg. pa. sent out master freight forms and local supplement forms to be filed out and returned to union hall, got mine yesterday...contract proposal forms, just to clarify...
On Tuesday, September 25, 2018 Teamster Local 24 officials gave copies of 2019 freight contract proposal forms to the union stewards at YRC Freight (Akron-211) for distribution to the union employees. Union employees were instructed to fill out the forms and either return them to their stewards or bring them to a big contract proposal meeting at the Holiday Inn in Fairlawn, Ohio on Sunday, October 7, 2018. Let's hope everyone fills out a proposal form and that there is a big turnout for the meeting.

Let us know how this is being handled at your barn!



Brothers and Sisters I need your input! I'm gonna get you the
"best contract ever"!


Hey Ken! We better tell Ernie..."not so fast"!
Since it's been awhile since we've had any say on the contract, didn't we all get a questionnaire through the IBT ,in the past? Are these individual ones put out by the different locals, going to even be considered by the international? Just wondering.
On Tuesday, September 25, 2018 Teamster Local 24 officials gave copies of 2019 freight contract proposal forms to the union stewards at YRC Freight (Akron-211) for distribution to the union employees. Union employees were instructed to fill out the forms and either return them to their stewards or bring them to a big contract proposal meeting at the Holiday Inn in Fairlawn, Ohio on Sunday, October 7, 2018. Let's hope everyone fills out a proposal form and that there is a big turnout for the meeting.

Let us know how this is being handled at your barn!



Brothers and Sisters I need your input! I'm gonna get you the
"best contract ever"!


Hey Ken! We better tell Ernie..."not so fast"!

Just to point out, our Freight Director has 14 Freight members in his Local. Great appointment James

Annoying that there is a lack of consistency in proposal presentation.

Sad that our future is left to random acts by individual locals with no guidance from the national. My local expected each proposal to be referenced by contract article. REALLY?

Rescind all past concessions and the MOU. Make us completely whole and return all that we have sacrificed to keep this company alive.

Anything less eliminates the possibility that enough of us will be around long enough to train new hires, if they are willing to work in this environment.

Anything less, makes this a job that those who enter will see as the last available choice, verses a career that can provide retirement and quality healthcare for a family.

Anything less is a slap in the face to all of us who have sacrificed, to keep this company alive for the past ten years.
The best we can hope for 3% a year raise and keep company paid health insurance maybe $100 week 401K match if pension not coming back
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