Yellow | Contract Proposal Forms Now Being Distributed

Rescind all past concessions and the MOU. Make us completely whole and return all that we have sacrificed to keep this company alive.

This section of the NMFA should accomplish that – that is unless, the grievance process has become a total farce, existing now only to entirely satisfy what the employer claims they cannot survive without – which is pretty much everything they are challenged on. In short, these clowns are pulling laughable, contradictory crap out of their rears from decades ago and winning in grievance.

Section 5. Riders

Upon the effective date of this Agreement, all existing or previously
adopted Riders which provide less than the wages, hours, and
working conditions specifically established by this Agreement and
Supplemental Agreements shall become null and void. Thereafter,
the specific provisions of this Agreement and applicable
Supplemental Agreements shall apply without being subject to variance
by Riders. This Section shall not be applied or interpreted to
eliminate operational, dispatch, or working rules not specifically set
forth in this Agreement and Supplemental Agreements.

Yes there is life after YRC and jobs that will require our "skills"?!
Annoying that there is a lack of consistency in proposal presentation.

Sad that our future is left to random acts by individual locals with no guidance from the national. My local expected each proposal to be referenced by contract article. REALLY?

Rescind all past concessions and the MOU. Make us completely whole and return all that we have sacrificed to keep this company alive.

Anything less eliminates the possibility that enough of us will be around long enough to train new hires, if they are willing to work in this environment.

Anything less, makes this a job that those who enter will see as the last available choice, verses a career that can provide retirement and quality healthcare for a family.

Anything less is a slap in the face to all of us who have sacrificed, to keep this company alive for the past ten years.
Elwood I second that!

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