Yellow | COO information

When I get it in will get it on here first.....thats a promise from all of us @ TruckingBoards!.....KK
I really dont see a change until the pension agrement is worked out.

Yall better hope that Hoffa pushes YRC back into the pension plans Jan 1 2011 or they will never be back........I feel for all the Brothers and Sister who have 24 years and just need the magical 25...........Goodluck to all.......nuff said.....:bananapartyhat:.

Yall better hope that Hoffa pushes YRC back into the pension plans Jan 1 2011 or they will never be back........I feel for all the Brothers and Sister who have 24 years and just need the magical 25...........Goodluck to all.......nuff said.....:bananapartyhat:.
You retired folk better be hoping too. Those checks stop comin and the only thread you'll be visiting is the "whiners thread!" Nuff said.....
You retired folk better be hoping too. Those checks stop comin and the only thread you'll be visiting is the "whiners thread!" Nuff said.....

Shoeman, I am with you all the way hoping the company makes it........WE WILL ALL BE AFFECTED........nuffffffffffffff said

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