Derecho Threat evolving now


Derecho is known as a land hurricane. Generally a special type of storm that can travel for hundreds of miles in the USA with winds over hurricane force.

One has developed over South Dakota area and is moving into parts of Nebraska and eventually Iowa at this hour. The information comes from Storm Prediction Center and several common trucker sites for news.

I consider the wind threat to 18 wheelers in the storm area extreme. So if you are there, find a place to park it for the rest of tonight and get out of that tractor. Go into a strong building and wait a while.

There is no dispatcher or company that will penalty you for parking for a evening during a extreme storm situation in your area such as these Derechos which are relatively rare. There WILL be lots of laughing and jeering if you got flipped off the road and destroyed everything rather than parking it. Its up to you.