Yellow | Employees From Other Terminals


TB Regular
If you work at terminal A and the company brings in employees from terminal b and they are allowed to work lets say day shift and you want to work days but are on nights do you have any leg to stand on ? I looked in the master agreement and didn't find anything on this topic.
what else do you need to provide info ? another example- if employees from lets say 211 akron go to 123 maybrook to help with overflow where do they work ? do they go to the bottom of the list or do they get to run lets say dc loads instead of p&d what about someone who wants to work days but is forced to work nights and these guys roll in to work days is that fair ?
what else do you need to provide info ? another example- if employees from lets say 211 akron go to 123 maybrook to help with overflow where do they work ? do they go to the bottom of the list or do they get to run lets say dc loads instead of p&d what about someone who wants to work days but is forced to work nights and these guys roll in to work days is that fair ?
They Can Do That!
what else do you need to provide info ? another example- if employees from lets say 211 akron go to 123 maybrook to help with overflow where do they work ? do they go to the bottom of the list or do they get to run lets say dc loads instead of p&d what about someone who wants to work days but is forced to work nights and these guys roll in to work days is that fair ?
Dock, road, city, hostle?? Driver qualified?
If the company brings in people who are not on your seniority list and offers them work you are qualified to do on a shift you have not had the opportunity to bid without first offering that work to you then you have been violated
The application of your seniority is in your supplement, if you are new york state that is article 42, if you are akron it is article 43. Your local work rules define more the way you practice your seniority
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