XPO | Extra Board


TB Lurker
SAY CONWAY how well is your extra board working , i am #2 and they the fos , sometime skip me or the # 3 guy for early runs, their excuse they forgot, ...:17: yah right but then thye call us in for a 30 bill delivery all over sactown , when you confront them about skipping you on the board they cop a real attitude , on you , well when thEY try that crap ,i just tell them 2 to eat sh_t , yes i do let them write me up its just paper . i really dont care ,and if they do right me up i let the t/m make the call and when he finds they skipped me on more than one occasion he as sided with me ::paperbag to those F.OS YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE , REALLY WANNA KNOW WHAT FOS STANDS FOR .
brutus61 said:
SAY CONWAY how well is your extra board working , i am #2 and they the fos , sometime skip me or the # 3 guy for early runs, their excuse they forgot, ...:17: yah right but then thye call us in for a 30 bill delivery all over sactown , when you confront them about skipping you on the board they cop a real attitude , on you , well when thEY try that crap ,i just tell them 2 to eat sh_t , yes i do let them write me up its just paper . i really dont care ,and if they do right me up i let the t/m make the call and when he finds they skipped me on more than one occasion he as sided with me ::paperbag to those F.OS YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE , REALLY WANNA KNOW WHAT FOS STANDS FOR .

Been there done that, a few times, until I could get and hold a bid again. At a larger facility, even with 4-5 years in, I got bounced all over the place those first few years :(

Now, I am at a smaller facility, and am number 11 in seniority, and still get called in early once in awhile, or asked to do something that a newer person should do, but then again, it's nice to know they can count on me to take the ball and run with it.

Through the years, I have mellowed, and gotten better about just doing what is asked, no matter what it is, after all, $21.00 per hour does that to a person ;)

Hang in there, and be happy! :)