FedEx Freight | FedEx Freight CFO Aims to Change LTL Structure

Interesting read Jeff,,,, Thanks.
I know things and times change,,,, but Why would you take a lawn mower and change it into a blender,,,, or change a 747 into a taxi ??? Sure,,, if you want to throw money away,,, you can do it,
but if you want that mower or aircraft to be profitable and efficient , then LEAVE THEM BE ........ Maybe fedex just needs a loser for tax purposes.... ???? Why else would you TRY to make people
unhappy,,, and Ruin 3 good profitable company's ,,,,, In my little world,,, I don't see why you can't combine 3 good companies,,, if you choose,,, and make those three more powerful and profitable than they were
apart... IF you wanted that...... My opinion,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Really doesn't say much about anything. Just a lot of industry speak and blather. I guess we will have to ride this one out too.
Watch, one of these days they're gonna tell us: "we lease you a truck, you move the freight, we pay you a percentage". CONTRACTORS like Ground.
Hey they finally admitted to trying to run us like a package company. Ultimiatly it will be are undoing because our executive board knows nothing about freight only package.
Watch, one of these days they're gonna tell us: "we lease you a truck, you move the freight, we pay you a percentage". CONTRACTORS like Ground.

It's gonna happen sooner rather than later.
Of course, the ScumEx "People First" spin-machine will tell you different.
Just like they swore up and down they were keeping Freight and National separate...right up until they merged the companies.
It's the ScumEx way.
As I said that's any different to use using PT and pulling freight off our trailers to put it on PT trailers. Since they seem to have priority over us.
How much of their profit is due to not paying overtime until after 60 hours a week? I'm just saying.....

although they are exempt from overtime in some states, they do have to pay overtime in other states that don't honor the 60 hour rule. so those states require them to pay overtime after 8 a day or 40 a week depends on their laws.
If I have to lease a truck, I want a cabover mack with the bulldog on the front and a bunch of strongly worded bumper stickers on the sides.
fxfr8man said:
although they are exempt from overtime in some states, they do have to pay overtime in other states that don't honor the 60 hour rule. so those states require them to pay overtime after 8 a day or 40 a week depends on their laws.

If I remember right bush signed into law that no company has to pay time and a half. In Indiana no trucking company has ever had to pay time and a half but most do.
although they are exempt from overtime in some states, they do have to pay overtime in other states that don't honor the 60 hour rule. so those states require them to pay overtime after 8 a day or 40 a week depends on their laws.

I'm not aware of any State exemption to the Federal Railway Act, which covers OD as well as any other trucking company. Some choose to, but are not required unless under contract.

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