FedEx Freight | Fedex / Verizon discount


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Can anyone that uses this tell me exactly how to go about getting the discount and how much of a discount we get.

20% of primary line, 22% off accessories, and I think it's 20% off data package for smartphones. $29.99 goes down to $23.change. I will be adding a smartphone data package when I get my iPod Touch (64gb) sold and buy a Droid X.
I had to download the form and have my supervisor sign off and fax it back to Verizon. I guess you now can just take your badge in to any Verizon store to get the discount.
20% of primary line, 22% off accessories, and I think it's 20% off data package for smartphones. $29.99 goes down to $23.change. I will be adding a smartphone data package when I get my iPod Touch (64gb) sold and buy a Droid X.

I have a droid x and love it. It's a cool phone!!
One of the advertisers here on Trucking boards is I just checked it out... Droid 2 for $9.99 with a new contract. Anyone ever deal with them???:shrug: