Yellow | Fire Board of Director's


-15% Yellow Investment Adviser $$
Time to FIRE & replace all of the Board of Director's , as they continue to allow these Stock share awards & Full pay & full pension to the Greedy upper Management , while we get nothing back !!! So much for the Union & Hoffa standing up for our Equal Sacrifice in the ponzi-joke MOU !!:cuss::mad new::maad::ranting2:
I suggest the BoD focus on improving dynamic synergies between management, sales and labor by reducing operational managers, replacing them with experienced and knowledgeable retirees looking for supplemental income and cheaper healthcare.
Wow. Light bulb!
But. No bulbs are lit on the board. Doesn't seem like it anyways. Just self preservation.
Some good ideas pop up here now and then.
Maybe this forum. Site. Ought to be required reading for the board.
Nah. If we knew that. Who knows what would happen.
Good suggestions Wood.
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YRC has too much debt and not enough operational income. The stock bonuses and golden parachutes are the only reason there IS a CEO.

Yellow was all about Yellow Freight when Zollars was in charge. Why do you think USF was given Yellow Freight style equipment? If Zollars had his way, Holland and Reddaway would be merged with Yellow today. Roadway was left alone because it was never supposed to be merged. Roadway had Canada through Reimer and New Penn covering the east coast.

Holland's customers didn't want Yellow, though. And Holland always made more money than the rest of USF. So the emergency downsizing killed Roadway and Yellow Freight of Canada, and shrunk Holland to give New Penn some extra customers.

If the result was dumb, think about how much worse it could've been if Bill Zollars had actually gotten his way!
YRC has too much debt and not enough operational income. The stock bonuses and golden parachutes are the only reason there IS a CEO.

Yellow was all about Yellow Freight when Zollars was in charge. Why do you think USF was given Yellow Freight style equipment? If Zollars had his way, Holland and Reddaway would be merged with Yellow today. Roadway was left alone because it was never supposed to be merged. Roadway had Canada through Reimer and New Penn covering the east coast.

Holland's customers didn't want Yellow, though. And Holland always made more money than the rest of USF. So the emergency downsizing killed Roadway and Yellow Freight of Canada, and shrunk Holland to give New Penn some extra customers.

If the result was dumb, think about how much worse it could've been if Bill Zollars had actually gotten his way!
Or think about how different things might be if yellow had never hired Zollars in the first place?
Wong, if they gave back what you do a year percentage-wise it wouldn't save YRCW enough money to buy a week's worth of fuel for the fleet. They could volunteer to work for free and it would still be a drop in the bucket compared to the annual expenses of the company.

Complain all you want, disagree all you want. In the end, what you're asking for would have no impact whatsoever.
Wong, if they gave back what you do a year percentage-wise it wouldn't save YRCW enough money to buy a week's worth of fuel for the fleet. They could volunteer to work for free and it would still be a drop in the bucket compared to the annual expenses of the company.

Complain all you want, disagree all you want. In the end, what you're asking for would have no impact whatsoever.
It would make a difference around my house!!!! So if it's not enough to help them rich bastards give the m f'n shut back!!! Are you company exec? I mean most drivers are just trying to make a living for their family's and those rich Dicks are taking advantage. If you can't see that then your head must be buried somewhere!
It would make a difference around my house!!!! So if it's not enough to help them rich bastards give the m f'n shut back!!! Are you company exec? I mean most drivers are just trying to make a living for their family's and those rich Dicks are taking advantage. If you can't see that then your head must be buried somewhere!
First of all EVERYTHING that Canadian Flyer is posting is fact. And he has on numerous occasions stated that, YES, YRCW senior management is overpaid. That being said, ALL of the annual salaries of senior management doesn't amount to ONE WEEKS WORTH of revenue for YRCW. Other than the senior management team in Overland Park, NO EMPLOYEES are happy or even satisfied with our current situation.
If venting here helps assuage your temper, then by all means, have at it. But casting insults at those of us here who understand a financial statement is, at worst demoralizing and at best counterproductive. All of the concessions COMBINED made it possible for YRCF to earn $0.015 on every $1.00 in revenue in 2016. Let that sink in. One and a half pennies on every dollar! The reason that the doors are still open is entirely the result of OUR concessions. And make NO mistake, without those concessions, the lenders would have closed us up and liquidated PERIOD. Is it in their interest for us to remain open? Yes. But ONLY as long as YRCW services the debt. Without the concessions YRCW would not have been able to do so. And Welsh and Pierson were critical in that.
Also I might add that in recent cuts and the earlier ones the company needed to cut the rates on the freight.By allowing concessions this enable YRC to compete for the race to the bottom.Because all the other ltl carriers were or still are undercutting the freight rates.
One aspect is organizing or lack thereof by our union in the freight industry.Places like OD and maybe others don't pay overtime and alot other benefits that the Teamsters do get.Like Jamie Pierson said one's not a level playing field.But do to the lackadaisical or the want to by our union we didn't organize these other nons.Presently I can't see anyone in the freight industry wanting to hitch up their wagon with the Teamsters.Number one culprit is the Pension problems and woes.We have nothing to offer to garner these potential members.
First of all EVERYTHING that Canadian Flyer is posting is fact. And he has on numerous occasions stated that, YES, YRCW senior management is overpaid. That being said, ALL of the annual salaries of senior management doesn't amount to ONE WEEKS WORTH of revenue for YRCW. Other than the senior management team in Overland Park, NO EMPLOYEES are happy or even satisfied with our current situation.
If venting here helps assuage your temper, then by all means, have at it. But casting insults at those of us here who understand a financial statement is, at worst demoralizing and at best counterproductive. All of the concessions COMBINED made it possible for YRCF to earn $0.015 on every $1.00 in revenue in 2016. Let that sink in. One and a half pennies on every dollar! The reason that the doors are still open is entirely the result of OUR concessions. And make NO mistake, without those concessions, the lenders would have closed us up and liquidated PERIOD. Is it in their interest for us to remain open? Yes. But ONLY as long as YRCW services the debt. Without the concessions YRCW would not have been able to do so. And Welsh and Pierson were critical in that.
Common sense wins in the end. Always.
No matter how angry or how much you or we think the company has done us wrong.
After all is said and done all in the end.
WE. Are YRC. Us.
We make it as bad. Or good as it is. No one else.
So. Load crappy loads. Or good loads.
Get things picked up or delivered or carry a chip and don't deliver or pick up.
It's up to you.
Not them.
Each individual can do whatever they think is right.
But all the complaining after eight years even from me is wearing thin.
19 is coming up.
That's when you. We. Will get answers.
We are not sheep. It will come down to just as simple as whether you want a job or not.
Most of us are at the end of our stint there. So the younger ones or even the ones with 20 years. Are gonna have to make the decision to move forward or drop it and start somewhere else.
It's really in the employees hands. You may not think so. But it is.
It would make a difference around my house!!!! So if it's not enough to help them rich bastards give the m f'n shut back!!! Are you company exec? I mean most drivers are just trying to make a living for their family's and those rich Dicks are taking advantage. If you can't see that then your head must be buried somewhere!
I'm an owner/operator with Speedy Transport. The company that gives me a livelihood depends on Holland still being in business for the majority of their revenue. If Holland dies, Speedy dies and I lose my job and my hundred thousand dollar investment in both companies and their 21 years of partnership. YRCW is as much a part of my life as it would be if I worked at Reimer Express Lines, they just don't pay me directly for what I do for them.

If James Welch worked for free, would it help put food on your table? No, it wouldn't. Why? Because if he donated his annual pay AND his bonuses to the workforce, everyone would be maybe one day's pay better off. If that.

Let me be clear. Those rich bastards are only rich because they helped you keep your job. And giving their money to pay everyone else more (be real, 15% of his money wouldn't buy everyone a coffee) would just give them less reason to care if the company stays alive.
Fire me. Put be out of my misery. (I can't quit. You know that.)
I am just so tired. I don't mind the job. The work is easy.
It's all the stupid ::shit:: they do. Say. And have done.
Please. Put me out if my misery.
First of all EVERYTHING that Canadian Flyer is posting is fact. And he has on numerous occasions stated that, YES, YRCW senior management is overpaid. That being said, ALL of the annual salaries of senior management doesn't amount to ONE WEEKS WORTH of revenue for YRCW. Other than the senior management team in Overland Park, NO EMPLOYEES are happy or even satisfied with our current situation.
If venting here helps assuage your temper, then by all means, have at it. But casting insults at those of us here who understand a financial statement is, at worst demoralizing and at best counterproductive. All of the concessions COMBINED made it possible for YRCF to earn $0.015 on every $1.00 in revenue in 2016. Let that sink in. One and a half pennies on every dollar! The reason that the doors are still open is entirely the result of OUR concessions. And make NO mistake, without those concessions, the lenders would have closed us up and liquidated PERIOD. Is it in their interest for us to remain open? Yes. But ONLY as long as YRCW services the debt. Without the concessions YRCW would not have been able to do so. And Welsh and Pierson were critical in that.

Al, you of all people should remember facts have no place on TB.

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