Yellow | Former President Jimmy Carter, key deregulator of freight transportation, dies at 100

The p@d drivers they control heavily most i know don't work over 40 hours, but they will run some linehaul guys up close to 14 which include time at other terminals fueling etc and at some waiting anywhere from an hour to 3. I think the p@d top out around $36 an hour and they won't pay linehaul like that because of the amount of hours we put in. Heck they pay the hub drivers mileage then when they get to the terminal they are working the dock at make them clock in then. I don't get why not pay them hourly for it all but there again they usually get more than 40 hours a week. Which basically tells you that all their pay scales is designed to benefit the company and short the drivers.
No company is in business to give you a job.
Companies exist to make a profit to benefit the owner/shareholders.
Nobody gets "shorted". You are free to sell your labor to the highest bidder.
Overtime pay is part of the federal minimum wage law that specifically excludes drivers. Call your congressman to get that changed. Linehaul is a piecemeal pay rate based on miles driven. That is your unions job to change to hourly.
Unless things have changed since I retired in 2004, senior linehaul drivers wants 6 days a week and 3000+ miles. They would rather let a junior guy be laid off than lose a trip so their "brother" could work enough to maintain healthcare.
With the poor anti driver laws (no overtime and free waiting time) the argument can be made that people are underpaid....before you tell me they should look for a different job, there aren't enough driving jobs out there for everyone to be paid for all time performing company duties and people need to feed their families.....
I think you made my point. Free markets determine what the job is worth. More drivers than jobs is a supply and demand issue.
The teamsters when they started helped out truckers. Im glad i don't have to work 19-20 hours a day for minimum wage. Do they have issues? Of course but without what the union did back then we would all be screwed. They are a lot of special interests groups today too many to name, and some are bad and some truly try to help others. I don't know what benefits who but it seemed if the Union was only in it for what they benefitted from they would of caved to Yellow again and just kept taking their portion of the pay from the workers. They lost a lot of money with all the workers who lost their jobs. I do believe how ever even if they would have negotiated and gave into Yellow what happened would have still happened just later on down the road. Yellow had **** poor management and who ever let them purchase Holland and the other companies should have never gave them the loan. The other companies would still be operating today had they not been bought out and they were doing fine on their own and being union. I know you hate the union but you yourself have benefitted from them. Without the union forming and helping get laws passed trucking would be worse off than it is. However i was talking about the govt the uniparty not special interests.
Government is created by voters. Congress has a 95%+ re-election rate. Apparently, voters are very happy with their government.
No, what I was saying is there isn't enough jobs that pay for all your time, not that there isn't enough jobs total....
If the market was really tight they pay for all your time to get you/keep you, hence the reason I disagree there is a shortage of workers if there really was the pay games would stop, there is no shortage of pipe fitters there is a line at the door to fill out an application same for elevator mechanics.
If the market was really tight they pay for all your time to get you/keep you, hence the reason I disagree there is a shortage of workers if there really was the pay games would stop, there is no shortage of pipe fitters there is a line at the door to fill out an application same for elevator mechanics.
Or, they would cry to the government to make it easier to import people...oh wait they do, just to circumvent supply and demand that some posters like to blather on about...
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