FedEx Freight | H.O.S.Hours of service

indian man

TB Lurker
Ok so someone in the safety dept pulled out the card that says we are a short haul carrier,and we can work up to 16 hours once every 7 days.When needed.Need info on this.They tell us to call central and get extension..
Ok so someone in the safety dept pulled out the card that says we are a short haul carrier,and we can work up to 16 hours once every 7 days.When needed.Need info on this.They tell us to call central and get extension..
It's ok or Freight wouldn't let us do it. Extension to 16 hours. Still can't drive over 11hrs though. Can only do it once a week and after a reset. Can't do it if youVe laid down either.
It's ok or Freight wouldn't let us do it. Extension to 16 hours. Still can't drive over 11hrs though. Can only do it once a week and after a reset. Can't do it if youVe laid down either.

Actually you can not do it after a reset now. You can only do it once a week. As previously stated, you must have returned to your home domicile each day as well. They changed it to once a week last July 1st when they started the break rule, and the new reset rules.
Out here in can do once per week even if you lay down in your own state. If you do a out of state lay down run then you can't! I know drivers who do layovers to sdo, otm, esd, redding, etc. and they were able to do 16 hour days when they needed it!
RC, it's not a matter of freight you haul. All drivers must work under interstate rules. The company can't pick and choose. Good luck if you get caught at a scale...Layover drivers are all restricted to 14 16 hours 1 day a week crap. Turn drivers are allowed one 16 hour day per week, even if their turn runs them out of state.
RC, it's not a matter of freight you haul. All drivers must work under interstate rules. The company can't pick and choose. Good luck if you get caught at a scale...Layover drivers are all restricted to 14 16 hours 1 day a week crap. Turn drivers are allowed one 16 hour day per week, even if their turn runs them out of state.

RC is so sorry, ST. RC keeps forgetting that apparently some people still ride the little yellow bus. In the future, RC will endeavor to explain every little thing fully, even if he has to s l o w l y explain that the use of we in a sentence can indeed be a collective, corporate we.
Sheesh, some people.
Was that also over your pointy head?
you can drive up to 13 hours in one day too but you cant drive past your 14 hour. that only 1 time a week too.
you can drive up to 13 hours in one day too but you cant drive past your 14 hour. that only 1 time a week too.

I thought drive time could only be extended 1 hour....for extenuating circumstances only?? Pretty sure on that one.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
if unexpected adverse driving conditions slow you
down, you may drive up to 2 extra hours to complete
what could have been driven in normal conditions.
This means you could drive for up to 13 hours,
which is 2 hours more than allowed under normal
conditions. Adverse driving conditions mean things
that you did not know about when you started your
run, like snow, fog, or a shut-down of traffic due to
a crash. Adverse driving conditions do not include
situations that you should have known about, such as
congested traffic during typical “rush hour” periods
Even though you may drive 2 extra hours under this exception, you must not drive after the 14
consecutive hour after coming on duty, and you must comply with the minimum 30-minute short
break provisions effective July 1, 2013
The information can be found at Summary of Hours-of-Service (HOS) Regulations - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Click on Interstate Truck Drivers Guide to Hours of Service on the right hand side of the page.
You can drive 13 hours but only under specific circumstances that were unknown at the time of your departure.
As in a road closure due to a wreck after your departure or closures due to inclement weather that happened after your departure. You may not drive after your 14th hour under this rule. No mention of combining this with the once a week 16 hour rule which also very specific how and when that can be used.
Be very sure of your facts on the rules.
"Well I thought it was the rule." doesn't get you very far when the log book ticket is being written, and those are not cheap.
Big B we posted the same stuff, sorry. Your original post made it sound like you could drive 13 hours once a week, whenever you felt like it.
What would be nice is get the wiz kids (dispatchers) in hootervile to read the HOS rules. I can not tell you how many times they tell drivers up here in the PNW they can use the 16 hr rule to complete their run. None of them can get it thru their thick melons you can not drive past you 14th hour no matter what. Maybe we should send them the FMCSA link so they can edjamacate themselves. Geezzzz and they run this place!!
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