FedEx Freight | Headway events

no. I had one a couple weeks ago were a truck drifted into my lane and was shown the video. the CCM said I took appropriate action and he wondered why we were watching it.
Not headway specifically, but a front collision warning, which I believe sends the email same as a headway. 90% of overpasses I go under trigger mine in a r19xxx Volvo.

I get no less than 5 forward collision events a night on my run. Fortunately my tractor doesn't engage the brakes while on cruise control. R14--- series KW.
I get maybe once a month... I run I-81 I set my cruise on max and let it slow down and speed up ... if the truck in front of me is going 63 so be it I will ride 63 .. My stress level has plummeted driving on 81