He's laughing his ass off right now!!

I don't know if it will be overwhelming. I do think it will pass by a narrow margin. I'm stI'll voting no and my only reason now is the health insurance raise. I'm ok with the money but paying 80 a week for insurance is where they lose me and a lot of the guys I work with.
ya that's the problem with this proposal. Its 4 years were at 50 a week right now with no raise in the insurance if it passes this year. But the next 3 years it goes up 10 each year. 65 cents first 60 second 60 third and 65 fourth year. I can live with the money but no the insurance so im voting no again.
I thought the point of being in a union was for free medical coverage
Ain't nothing free. Many of us work union so there's one set of rules to follow for drivers, management and everyone involved. While nothing is absolute being in a union shop gives us a say in matters of importance regarding our jobs and keeps the rules fair for everyone. The good old boys network or blowing the boss to get special treatment gets taken care of by the CBA. Looking at some of the other companies on TB our health insurance isn't the best or cheapest but certainly very good overall. Comparing to friends and other family members plans here in Buffalo we have it damn good.
Unions have had to bargain backwards, since non union workers have offered up their benefits, retirement plans, and overtime pay, all in the name of competition and flexibility.
It’s all about the bottom line. If you have invested years of blood, sweat and tears in building your OWN business from the ground up YOU might have a different perspective.
Ain't nothing free. Many of us work union so there's one set of rules to follow for drivers, management and everyone involved. While nothing is absolute being in a union shop gives us a say in matters of importance regarding our jobs and keeps the rules fair for everyone. The good old boys network or blowing the boss to get special treatment gets taken care of by the CBA. Looking at some of the other companies on TB our health insurance isn't the best or cheapest but certainly very good overall. Comparing to friends and other family members plans here in Buffalo we have it damn good.
With crooked BA’s and Stewards in the back pocket of managers you might want to reconsider your position.
It’s all about the bottom line. If you have invested years of blood, sweat and tears in building your OWN business from the ground up YOU might have a different perspective.
Train I want and believe my employer should make a profit. Hopefully a huge profit. What we've been fighting for with this contract is no give backs and gains that improve our lives. Saia offered hundreds of millions for us and Pyle and both turned them down. Their definitely making what they feel they need to make to turn down that kind of money. Blood at times, sweat everyday, and tears with the amount of hours we put in to help make the profit. We deserve a good contact and we at least get a vote in it. Saia got 15k sign on bonuses in Chicago not long ago and turnover that's insane. You guys make more per hour and mile. I make more knowing we have rules both sides have to follow wether we like it or not.
With crooked BA’s and Stewards in the back pocket of managers you might want to reconsider your position.
Nothing that I can see with that so far. Were IAM not teamsters. We have flexible work rules. We fuel our truck, hook our sets etc etc. We do what we need to do to help make this a profitable company. We don't have layoffs to get rid of long term employees or those who get injured to get rid of them like Saia does when the market is slow.
Nothing that I can see with that so far. Were IAM not teamsters. We have flexible work rules. We fuel our truck, hook our sets etc etc. We do what we need to do to help make this a profitable company. We don't have layoffs to get rid of long term employees or those who get injured to get rid of them like Saia does when the market is slow.
Don’t believe everything you read on here about SAIA. All companies must make sacrifices for the betterment of the whole. Sometimes you must cut a rotten branch from a tree or risk losing the whole tree to decay.
Don’t believe everything you read on here about SAIA. All companies must make sacrifices for the betterment of the whole. Sometimes you must cut a rotten branch from a tree or risk losing the whole tree to decay.
Does that include the 60 year old man I work with that was just out for 10 months? What would his chances at Saia look like for 5 to 7 years? He came back with full seniority and didn't skip a beat. I'm fine with that cause that could easily be me one day.
Does that include the 60 year old man I work with that was just out for 10 months? What would his chances at Saia look like for 5 to 7 years? He came back with full seniority and didn't skip a beat. I'm fine with that cause that could easily be me one day.
For every example you give I could give one as well. SAIA has a policy that gives you 1 year to come back from any medical issue that is documented. You don’t even have to use FMLA. If you’re a good worker your job is safe. If you’re a rotten branch then perhaps not so much.
For every example you give I could give one as well. SAIA has a policy that gives you 1 year to come back from any medical issue that is documented. You don’t even have to use FMLA. If you’re a good worker your job is safe. If you’re a rotten branch then perhaps not so much.
If Saia is fair than that's great. I obviously picked the wrong non union company to work for when I lived down south. All I can say is I personally like having a CBA cause I saw way to much crap when I worked non. If it works for you great. I have to many years left ahead of me to deal with that garbage anymore. Grievances are rare but we have a mechanism in place to resolve disputes. Not the TM's buddy or favorite winning the day.
Huh, so the owner op teamsters in nyc,nj, and pa are all wrong? Your just a scab, with a dumbass ignorant opinion, and a chip on your shoulder.
I never said that. You just want to spin things. And now you want to resort to name calling. You give the Teamsters a bad name.
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