Central Transport | hours cut


TB Lurker
well we opened in erie about 6 weeks ago and had a good run while it lasted we went from 50 hrs a week to 65 and this morning boss told us we were on a 4 day week 10 drivers 8 trucks 2 guys off per day i think we hired the new drivers too soon also was told we lost 10 lanes of frieght from g.e. that will hurt the way the frieght looks when we open the doors from pitt and toledo looks like 5yr olds just crammed the stuff in and tried to shut the doors thanks for the effort guys dont ever wonder why you dont get a bigger raise take care of the frieght like it was yours and we would all make more
sounds like we are not the only ones with HR issues around here. HR was running ads for drivers at my terminal the same time TM was talking layoffs.
the t.m.s are being told to stack freight by the upper managagement
well we opened in erie about 6 weeks ago and had a good run while it lasted we went from 50 hrs a week to 65 and this morning boss told us we were on a 4 day week 10 drivers 8 trucks 2 guys off per day i think we hired the new drivers too soon also was told we lost 10 lanes of frieght from g.e. that will hurt the way the frieght looks when we open the doors from pitt and toledo looks like 5yr olds just crammed the stuff in and tried to shut the doors thanks for the effort guys dont ever wonder why you dont get a bigger raise take care of the frieght like it was yours and we would all make more
yeah when I get back from my peddle run I walk my pallet jack over to where they go and I walkk by the outbound doors and I cant help but laugh. a couple of years ago I would tell the supervisor about this door and that door, but after awhile he didnt care anymore either, as long as the seal fit on the handle of the trl door, he had no problem witht the way it was loaded, all he wants to do is seal them, turn in paperwork, smoke apack of cigerettes and go home. we get at least 4 g.e. loads a day, soon it will go down to 3 to 2 to 1 to finally, us getting the call, " hello this is g.e. and we would like for you to get you trls off our property, ohh and by the way 2 of them have huge holes on the roof, and one has a flat tire, and another has a whole trl full of freight, and that trl has been sitting here for a week." hahahahahahahahah that would be priceless if it went down like that