Hello everyone! I'm 29 years old and I've been a truck driver since 2010. I live in so cal and I am interested in applying for OD for a P&D position. I'm sorry if my post is long but I just want you guys to know where i'm comming from. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. I heard a lot of positive things about OD and it is uncommon now a days to hear a truck company that gets a lot of positive reviews. Thats why I'm interested in working for OD. I like driving and being on my own and not have to deal with a lot of stress. Don't get me wrong I know there are times when it can be stressful but is not compare to some jobs out there, On the other hand, there are a few things that I don't like about truck driving. For instance ot. I know OD don't get ot until after 60 hrs.The other thing I don't like is working long hours. Don't get me wrong I like working but not that long. Correct me if i'm wrong but people who work for OD don't they work for 12-14 hrs. a day? I am also considering going to a trade school to learn electrician. I know in the beginning I won't be making as much money as I would be making at OD. I know if I stick it out who knows i might be making lots of money or i might just be out of work and going back to driving. I know people that are electrician trainee and are laid off and they jump from one job to the other and I don't want that. I know their are bunch of jobs out there that let people go all the time but for some reason I think electrician and people who work in the construction field get let go more often than any other job. The thing I do like about working in electrician is that is 8 hrs and anytime over 8 is ot. You get to work with your hand. I know we will always going to have electricity so the job field isn't going to go away. I thought about applying to apprenticeship but i heard a lot of negative things where people work for 4 months out of the whole year because there is no work. I'm not down for that, I rather have a steady pay check and be home every night even if it means I have to work 12 hrs a day because I would rather work than be out of a job. So, what do you guys think? What career would be worth taking being a truck driver for OD or being an electrician?